@WOMBAT Welcome to AFN
Have you already purchased these ingredients? If not I highly recommend
@autobeast method for soil beginners in this thread. He is very successful and it is easy to replicate - just follow his recipe precisely.
If you have your soil and Tiger Bloom nutrients already you need to get the other parts of the nutrients. They are part of a system. Grow Big and Big Bloom. Just as an example week 5 you use all 3 parts for a total of 7 tsp per gallon of water. It is a good idea to have some Cal-Mag on hand as well.
Happy Frog is too hot for seedlings so mix something inert in to dilute it down a bit or transplant starting in something else? It is a crap-shoot as to when to start fertilizing. Most guys I have observed here start with 1/4 strength nutrient around week 3. Keep your PH ~6.4.
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