New Grower Happy Frog for seedling?


Freaky Bush Lady Doctor
Aug 24, 2012
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Hey all!! I have a situation after traveling today in trying to find the best medium for my grow I ended up with a bag of FFOF and FF happy frog. I was hoping to find pro mix or sunshine #4 but had no luck. So based on what I currently have I was thinking that happy frog will be good for seedling and was planning to then transplant to Ocean Forest. Anyone have any input on this? I hear mixed things about FF now a days as well as using happy frog for germinating and seedlings. Can someone break it down for me? I have a bad of each and only other option is Home depot and lowes MG which is out of the picture. Any suggestions will be great. :thumbs:
I mixed FFOF and fox farms light warrior 50/50 and planted my germinated seeds into that. I've used OF by itself with good results also. U could mix the two or layer the two. I would put seedlings into happy frog though because I hear its less hot than OF.
To be more specific I mixed 6 gallons of FFOF and 6 gallons of Fox farms light warrior in a tub. I then filled my pots with this a few inches to the top. THEN put a plain layer of light warrior on top and put my germinated seeds into that:peace:
Thanks Fweedom!! well I just acquired 32 quarts pro mix from a distant friend to get my seedlings started not much but enough to germ. This is for a micro grow (2plants) which I will rotate as 2 are growing. Then was thinking of using a 50/50 mix of FFOF and FF happy frog, which I have a bag of each. I am unable to find light warrior anywhere and this is the best soil I could find for this late of a season up north. This will be my first micro grow and i will be feeding FF nutes along. Keep the info comming! Thanks again everybody. Peace
I've seen people use a 50/50 mix or start in HF and then transplant to OF. Either way seems to work good. If you're starting them in their final pots you could fill it with OF and hollow out the center and fill it with HF. That seems to work well also. Just make sure you check the pH of the OF as we've seen a lot of variation in it.
I've got a couple going in FF Happy Frog from seed and they never had an issue. :peace:
I have only had very excellent results using HF for seedlings, and I have started many seedlings in it. It performs much better than Light Warrior, which I have also used. They should blow the heck up!

I wouldn't start seedlings in FFOF... every single person I've known that started seedlings in it, as a practice, eventually had a grow that had serious problems over it. :peace:
Thanks guess I'm good on soil lol... for flowering do you guys go straight FFOF or go 50/50 with happy frogs?

Either way should work. Like muddy said u can fill ur pots with OF then take a few handfuls out and put happy frog there that way as your plants get bigger the roots grow into the OF. If I were you I would do that so u don't have to transplant them later.