New Grower guerilla growing from seed uk

Mar 29, 2014
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i have done guerrilla grows before i normally veg 2 week indoor then put out.i am thinking of a new easier method.take germinated seed in tub to plot and straight to soil under plastic cups in april.has any 1 done this?any reason why not? i plan to have a lot of seed and can only see night time temps to be a problem.but they wud be sheltered from frost and plot doesn't flood.i cud keep the soil moist also untill they can take care themselves(1-2 wks)
Slugs and snails are the issue with planting from seed. Good luck though
April is still a bit to early mate. I dont put anything out until early May. As from seed I wouldn't recoment it, even under cover they will get munched on, then if they make it passed a few weeks, rabbits and anything else that like their greens. I've seen this plenty of times with friends doing it. Get them healthy and going well then put them out. I don't guerrilla grow, I grow in my garden.
went out with 2 leafed seedlings end april last whats gonna much at it under a plastic cup with pin prick airholes?no rabbits there eithere no cages needed.seen people go out earlier also