Growing Sativa Heavy Strains with Limited Height?


Amps to 11
May 20, 2020
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Golden Tiger
Anyone have any tips/experience for growing Sativa dominant strains with a limited height grow space? I only have roughly 5ft in height to work with but lean heavily towards Sativas, worried I will run out of room rapidly. Thinking mainly just LST the heck out of my girls with potential topping etc. Anyone ever gone this route before. My Zamaldelica Express & Mango Smile i'll be growing shortly has me curious, I'm up for the challenge, but any experience with anything similar is welcomed input to me.
Imo, sativa dominant straits are irrelevant with autos. You're not going to have 3 weeks of stretch nor 13 weeks of flower. When you want to restrict the potential size of a plant, you simply adjust the pot size. The bigger the pot, the bigger the plant. Want a smaller plant, use a smaller pot. Easy peasy. Keep in mind that using lst will definitely reduce the height, it will also increase the lenght/width, so if you have limitations with l/w you'll need to factor that in as well.
Gotcha, would love to have the best of both worlds and have my canopy able to stretch however much it would like and have an increased yield, vs sacrificing said yield in order to work with the height I have been allotted to grow with. In the end, I think it will be a phenomenal learning experience regardless. But, it would be ideal to maximize yield even with my height constraints; pot size may be the best route to start with. Ill have to experiment and post my findings with stable phenotypes.
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Anyone have any tips/experience for growing Sativa dominant strains with a limited height grow space? I only have roughly 5ft in height to work with but lean heavily towards Sativas, worried I will run out of room rapidly. Thinking mainly just LST the heck out of my girls with potential topping etc. Anyone ever gone this route before. My Zamaldelica Express & Mango Smile i'll be growing shortly has me curious, I'm up for the challenge, but any experience with anything similar is welcomed input to me.
just gotta bend them or train or even supercrop I'm using a 1.2x1.2x2.0 tent and I'm growing super sativa seed club auto creepers and I've had to supercrop 2 of them multiple times now there here if you fancy a look and mine are grown in 15 ltr autopots
Awesome! I’ll check it out!