New Grower Growing in my brook

This is a great idea…. I would keep it on the down low though because there are people who are die hard into environmental protection. The use of nitrogen in a waterway/near waterways with leaching can cause algae blooms that damage the ecosystem. Oh shit I’m starting to feel like one of those people :haha:
This is a cool idea, but the point about the nutrients leeching into the environment is valid. One way to mitigate it could be to swap out those rocks for a mix of 50/50 clay pebbles and peat. The bucket would act like a SIP in the brook and you could top dress and water in dry amendments. I am sure you would still get a little leeching out the bottom, but it would be minimal. If you did attempt this make sure to get pure peat moss to mix with the clay pebbles. You don’t want to send bits of perlite floating down the creek either.
Good luck!
This is a great idea…. I would keep it on the down low though because there are people who are die hard into environmental protection. The use of nitrogen in a waterway/near waterways with leaching can cause algae blooms that damage the ecosystem. Oh shit I’m starting to feel like one of those people :haha:
Urea takes care of that part, don't see one plant having a influence on anything down stream, would worry about pesticides up stream more. Send EPA their environmentalists wi just steal your
This is a great idea…. I would keep it on the down low though because there are people who are die hard into environmental protection. The use of nitrogen in a waterway/near waterways with leaching can cause algae blooms that damage the ecosystem. Oh shit I’m starting to feel like one of those people :haha:
Not using anything but the soil and the water in the brook. I wanna see what m
Great idea Matt, will def see what nutrients are in your brook. Hopefully she will love it
I'm hoping so. Only organic going in bucket no added fertilizer or nutrients. Everything around the brook is lush so gotta be some good stuff in there I'm thinking
Being a long time, hard core, canoeist , my first thought is fluctuating water levels.

After a good rain, water levels can go up, sometimes dramatically.

I’ve canoed rivers, creeks & streams that were shallow one day and a couple of days later were overrunning their banks…..,
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fluctuating water levels
Solution… looks like there’s even space for a solo grow
Being a long time, hard core, canoeist , my first thought is fluctuating water levels.

After a good rain, water levels can go up, sometimes dramatically.

I’ve canoed rivers, creeks & streams that were shallow one day and a couple of days later were overrunning their banks…..,
I've been in my house for 3 years. Seen the highs and the lows and how quickly it can change. Just gonna do my best to stay on top of it. But I hear ya buddy
top idea, I tried something similar a couple of months back in my little stream (Nothing as sophisticated as yours, a couple of holes, some stones and soil from the ground (@39deg north)), my view was nothing upstream other than a forest with no farmland, and the water is clean full of life so the nutrients would be in the water. Ultimately it is a weed, weeds grow very well near streams, brooks etc...obviously it would be nothing like an indoor fed plant but good nonetheless.

Anyway, planted the seed, put it in the stream at about a week old, then came back home. Went back a month or so later and it had grown a fair bit whilst I was away - but it had also been beaten and half eaten then I went away again so I expect her to be dead now. But I am certain that it will work if your around as it is nature at its best.

Good luck, following for sure!