Grow Mediums Growing Autos with Autopots, Bio Tabs and 2xHS1

Nov 22, 2014
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Hello guys,

I have an idea about switching on Autopots and Bio Tabs, i have read a lot of topics here that those combination making wonders and monstrous plants with a minimum effort.

I would like to automatize my growing process as much as is possible, because i don't have much of free time to spend by the grow. That's why i found this solution as a perfect for me.

My current Grow Box specs:
Grow box: Secret Jardin DS120W (120x60x170cm)
Lights: 2x GrowNorthern HS1 75W each
Pots: 4x Air pots 15l

I have never growed in coco,coco/perlite neither coco/pebbles. So far behind me i have only experience with the soil (Bio Biz light mix), i have never used PH meter and i would like to keep that way.

So what i am looking for is and upgrade on Autopots with Air Domes and Coco/Perlite or Coco/Pebbles which will boost up my grow speed and decrease chance of getting any bugs in the box but as well would like to keep maintenance as less and simple as possible, that is how i found out about Bio Tabs where they state that i don't have to use PH meter and that i have only once to prepare the substrate and that it will be enough until harvest for autos +/-.

Now the questions:

- How many of the Autopots would fit best for my grow box? I was thinking to order 2x15L single auto pots with a tank of 47L for a start and upgrade afterwards if needed, but would like to hear your opinions about it. :)
- Should i go for a coco/perlite or coco/pebbles and which proportion u think it works the best with air domes?
- Which brand of coco, perlite or pebbles would you suggest me to buy in Europe?
- Is Bio Tabs starter kit enough for finishing the auto grow or you would suggest me to get some extra additives?
- Since i don't buy seedlings, always seeds, is it possible to plant a seed directly in auto pot and water it manual for 10 days and afterwards turning on the system? or i have to do it in extra pot and then repot it when the time for turning system is?
- Are coco/perlite, coco/pebbles mediums reusable? and if yes for how many grows i can use same medium?

Probably i will have some more question in the future

Best Regards,
- How many of the Autopots would fit best for my grow box? 1x 47L tank and 4x 15L autopots / 12L smart/fabric pots (in the autopot system) will be fine
- Should i go for a coco/perlite or coco/pebbles and which proportion u think it works the best with air domes? 50/50 coco and perlite, use clay pebbles at the base of each pot as directed in instructions
- Which brand of coco, perlite or pebbles would you suggest me to buy in Europe? i go for soil not coco but I'm sure this info is easily available online.
- Is Bio Tabs starter kit enough for finishing the auto grow or you would suggest me to get some extra additives? It depends how hands on you want to be, it's up to you. IF you run the whole biotabs line (including PK tea & booster, sprays, silicum flash etc) you will end up with much healthier/bigger/stronger plants, but that requires more effort. You can grow high quality from start to finish using just the starter kit.
- Since i don't buy seedlings, always seeds, is it possible to plant a seed directly in auto pot and water it manual for 10 days and afterwards turning on the system? or i have to do it in extra pot and then repot it when the time for turning system is? Plant directly into the autopot, water by hand for 14-21 days until the plants leaves have gone past the edge of the pot, and she's healthy, then plant the biotabs and turn on the system.
- Are coco/perlite, coco/pebbles mediums reusable? and if yes for how many grows i can use same medium? Reuse up to 3 times I would imagine.
I would cut your pots in half. Make them smaller. Plants should grow faster and you might like the smaller size with 4 plants in that tent. There is usually a 1-pot kit in a box that is available for retail and it ships nicely because its one box. And it has 4 pots in it, the res and all the fittings and tubes. Also get 4 airdomes. And again I would cut the pots in half.

I am not sure I understand your post. If you dont want to deal with PH then don't go with coco. Unless you go with AN Perfect PH nutes. Why not stick with soil and just water from the res? Or are Biotabs in coco PH maintenance free?

I would not start a seed in those 15L pots. They are way too big. I would germ in paper towel/tissue using the mephisto genetics approach. mist the paper, don't soak it. Seal in baggy and place in warm spot and wrap a towel to insulate it. You'll get tap roots fast. The put in a solo cup with your medium of choice packed relatively tight for easier transplant later. Poke holes in bottom. Put inside second solo cup with no holes. Put a light nute mix of water in the bottom of the outside cup that the inside cup can wick water from. Don't soak the medium. Loose soil where you drop the tap root and dont pack it tight. Keep loose. And put a clear cup moisture dome on top. It will pop above ground in a day or two. and grow for 10 days or so and then transplant in to autopot.

Here is a seedling that I just started by germ in tissue, misted, heat. Dropped tap root in solo cup 2 days ago. A couple of spray mist shots and then under the dome. And bottom watered from the cup inside a cup setup. also added mycos powder dusting in the hole I dropped the taproot in to.


Here are 4 autopots I have ready to go for next grow. I cut them down to about 60% of height. And filled with coco and a bit of perlite. Airdomes inside. Also precharged with PH'd water, cal mag, DE for bugs, mycos fungi, 1/4 strength nute feed water. Going to let them dry out a bit so they are just moist on the day I transplant to them.

i am not fan of growing in less then 15l, i had some tries with 10 liters, but once i get on 15l pots i realize how more i could get.

i have 120cm x 60cm x 170cm. i would like to know if i should got with 4 pots or 2 for a start and check out after how it works and add extra pots.
buy the kit of four 1-pots. Its the best deal. and its good to have extras. Did you even read my post above?
buy the kit of four 1-pots. Its the best deal. and its good to have extras. Did you even read my post above?
I sure did. Setting up 4x now. CUT THEM!!!!! I'm scared. I get it though. My root balls in 15 L airpots havent bottomed out once. Not even close. Bummin me out.

I'm not hearing impaired. Definitely listening impaired. ROFL.

I learn best from my own mistakes. That's why I'm so F*ing smaaht.

I think I have to run everything once reggae (regular).

Laugh your ass off watching me try! If I can't laugh at myself, I got nothin'. [emoji854]

Check this out, though. Going live on EBAY. "achin2bjamaican" lol. 14 years ago, I picked that silly moniker.

Hashtag americanswithbiotabs

Gimme couple of daze. Then come shopping.
Unique Freebies.
With every purchase.

Greatblueorganics on IG. SOON COME!

Jah Blessings
Much Respect
Great Blue Mateo

Sorry bout the sideways-ness[emoji848]
BioTabs Haul.jpg

born to spread the faith. to sow the seeds of knowledge. to illuminate every square inch of ignorance and misinformation. to nurture The Leaves of the Tree. The Healing of the Nation. [emoji172][emoji885]️[emoji271]
I sure did. Setting up 4x now. CUT THEM!!!!! I'm scared. I get it though. My root balls in 15 L airpots havent bottomed out once. Not even close. Bummin me out.

I'm not hearing impaired. Definitely listening impaired. ROFL.

I learn best from my own mistakes. That's why I'm so F*ing smaaht.

I think I have to run everything once reggae (regular).

Laugh your ass off watching me try! If I can't laugh at myself, I got nothin'. [emoji854]

Check this out, though. Going live on EBAY. "achin2bjamaican" lol. 14 years ago, I picked that silly moniker.

Hashtag americanswithbiotabs

Gimme couple of daze. Then come shopping.
Unique Freebies.
With every purchase.

Greatblueorganics on IG. SOON COME!

Jah Blessings
Much Respect
Great Blue Mateo

Sorry bout the sideways-ness[emoji848]View attachment 860969

born to spread the faith. to sow the seeds of knowledge. to illuminate every square inch of ignorance and misinformation. to nurture The Leaves of the Tree. The Healing of the Nation. [emoji172][emoji885]️[emoji271]

Nice haul of mephisto there! Wow.

Good idea to leave the pots stock for now and how you like them that way.

One thing I'm looking at is raising the pots in the trays a bit so not so much root at the bottom of the pot is sitting in water. There is an auotpot product call cocomats.

I think they are about in inch thick. I am trying to buy some and then cut out a piece to fit inside the tray below the pot. That will raise the pots and still give great wicking bottom feeding.
Nice haul of mephisto there! Wow.

Good idea to leave the pots stock for now and how you like them that way.

One thing I'm looking at is raising the pots in the trays a bit so not so much root at the bottom of the pot is sitting in water. There is an auotpot product call cocomats.

I think they are about in inch thick. I am trying to buy some and then cut out a piece to fit inside the tray below the pot. That will raise the pots and still give great wicking bottom feeding.
I'm all [emoji101][emoji101][emoji101]'s. I'm committed to murdering this set up, and putting a Tree of Life in every (compliant) home that I & I can reach.

JAHnnie GanjaSeed stylee.

Probably gonna buckle and buy another 4x. It should pay for itself in saved labor straight quick. I bill myself out to myself hourly, at an exorbitant rate. High self esteem. Lol.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROBERT NESTA MARLEY. This one's for you and... @jingo

born to spread the faith. [emoji885]️[emoji172][emoji271] bcocBOS
Nice choice mate, tabs, coco and autopots rock. Don't worry about PH. I don't. I PH'd one res full and it made sod all difference.

FYI i just filled a 4x3 tent with two autos in 15 litre autopots so don't go mad on numbers!
Nice choice mate, tabs, coco and autopots rock. Don't worry about PH. I don't. I PH'd one res full and it made sod all difference.

FYI i just filled a 4x3 tent with two autos in 15 litre autopots so don't go mad on numbers!
Waaaay too late. Lol. I over germinated to light a fire under my a** to expand. Getting a bit warm, that. [emoji91][emoji67]‍[emoji602]

born to spread the faith. [emoji885]️[emoji172][emoji271] bcocBOS