Here's the background. I have a auto that was planted about 4 weeks ago and is in full bloom and doing nicely. A couple days after I planted the auto plant I started 2 more regular plants from bag seed.
I had them all in the room and initially ran my dual 400MH/400MHS lights 20/4 until the auto was already creating a bunch of buds. I needed to get the regular plants to flower so I changed the light cycle about a week ago adding 4 more hours to the dark cycle for a total of 8.
I know the usual cycle to force flowering is 12/12, but I thought I would try to cut that time a bit to see if I could flower the regular plants while still giving sufficient light to the auto to keep it growing and flowering nice.
I had 3 regular plants. One I determined was male early on and took it out. The other two looked like they would be females. After approximately 8 days I noticed some white hairs on one of the two. That tells me that the plant is beginning to flower. Consequently, it also means I should be able to keep the current 6 hours of darkness until harvest and both the regular and auto should be fine.
To push the envelope a bit more I planted 3 more germinated auto seeds today. Because I did not change the first auto cycle from the recommended 20/4 to 18/6 until after it began flowering I was wondering what everyone's opinion is on my getting the 3 new autos to grow and auto flower under my 18/6 schedule. My guess is the answer is most likely they will. However, it may take a week or so longer for them to flower than the first one. Any comments??
I had them all in the room and initially ran my dual 400MH/400MHS lights 20/4 until the auto was already creating a bunch of buds. I needed to get the regular plants to flower so I changed the light cycle about a week ago adding 4 more hours to the dark cycle for a total of 8.
I know the usual cycle to force flowering is 12/12, but I thought I would try to cut that time a bit to see if I could flower the regular plants while still giving sufficient light to the auto to keep it growing and flowering nice.
I had 3 regular plants. One I determined was male early on and took it out. The other two looked like they would be females. After approximately 8 days I noticed some white hairs on one of the two. That tells me that the plant is beginning to flower. Consequently, it also means I should be able to keep the current 6 hours of darkness until harvest and both the regular and auto should be fine.
To push the envelope a bit more I planted 3 more germinated auto seeds today. Because I did not change the first auto cycle from the recommended 20/4 to 18/6 until after it began flowering I was wondering what everyone's opinion is on my getting the 3 new autos to grow and auto flower under my 18/6 schedule. My guess is the answer is most likely they will. However, it may take a week or so longer for them to flower than the first one. Any comments??