Outdoor Growing a first crop for the seeds

Feb 29, 2016
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I'm new to autoflower. Here's my plan: I want to plant 10 regular Dr. Feelgoods in 1L - 4L pots and grow them outside to maturity as quickly as possible, with the goal of producing some seeds. I'll plant those seeds later in the summer, some in pots and some in garden soil. I have some questions.

* Can I start right away, with the days being so short now?

* Can I grow them in 1L pots? My idea is that they may mature faster that way. Watering won't be a problem, even outside, because I can keep a close watch on them.

* I plan to start them inside under some fluorescent shop lights. What lighting schedule should I use for the several weeks before I move them outside into the (approximately) 12-12 natural light?

* Regarding nutrients: can I just use a high quality potting soil, and perhaps hit them with a little "bloom" later?

* How soon after I harvest the mature seeds can I replant them? Right away, or do I have to wait for some period? Ideally, I'll start in mid-March and be able to plant the second batch in early June.

* Please make any other suggestions or criticisms you can think of. I live in California in a locality that allows (for medicinal use) growing up to 30 plants in up to 100 sq ft. So I can do it at home, but I think, for security purposes that it would be better for me to grow 30 small plants than several large ones.