Old Reviews Grow More Organic Vegetarian Fertilizer

The Squid

Spaced-out CephaloMOD
Feb 26, 2012
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Hey guys...:group:

I am pretty sure I mentioned this a while back, but was taking a second look at it today and wow! This seems like such a badass product to use for amending your organic/TLO/SuperSoil mixes. And cheap ta boot! Check this stuff out guys and lemme know what you think. :thumbs:

Crazy what I didn't notice was in it before being educated on the matter. That goes to show what I can/have learned in the past 6 months or so, I think that's when I found this stuff. Still haven't tried it, but really wanna order some to test out. All those yummy add ins! Seems like it will innoculate your mix with Myco, too. :cool:


The site itself seems to have some great prices and selection, too. :D There is also a Flower and Bloom version(not vegetarian) of what I posted that could be mixed together probably.
Squid, I like what I read about that stuff... I'd throw some of that in my mix without hesitation...
Squid, I like what I read about that stuff... I'd throw some of that in my mix without hesitation...

Yup, sounds like a damn winner to me, friend. Now where's that extra cash I got to get it? :face:

Nowhere :D

Yeah, some of the plant amendments I wanted anyway, plus the Humics, microbes and tons of endo AND ecto Myco... That was most of what I missed when I first found it, since I wasn't keen on true organics as I am now. Thanks for the advice, you were just the man I was looking for. :D
And it has Ca/Mg PLUS Micros and Sugars, carbohydrates, amino cellulose to enhance rhizosphere microbes!

So in adding this to LEVERs TLO mix, would I leave out anything? Such as the things that are in the GM stuff that are listed in LEVERs mix? Rock phosphate comes to mind...
Squid, i remember sending you that link almost a year ago! :crying:

i thought of you as soon as i saw it because it's vegetarian. Seems like good stuff. You can also make a tea with it which is appealing. Let us know if you get around to trying it. i might grab some for the veggie garden! :thumbs:
Squid, i remember sending you that link almost a year ago! :crying:

i thought of you as soon as i saw it because it's vegetarian. Seems like good stuff. You can also make a tea with it which is appealing. Let us know if you get around to trying it. i might grab some for the veggie garden! :thumbs:

So it was you?! Aha! I knew someone passed it my way, because of what it was made of...And ya know what? It's been a bookmark at the top of my laptop ever since that day, my friend. Thanks again! Never got around to using it obviously, but now I wanna get two bags and sling one all over my veggies too! :D

And that is cheap IMO, 4 damn Pounds for like 6 bucks! And it's been on that 'sale' prices forever. :lol:
So in adding this to LEVERs TLO mix, would I leave out anything? Such as the things that are in the GM stuff that are listed in LEVERs mix?
I would not remove anything from LEVER's mix, if it were me. What I liked the most was the extra microbes to broaden your spectrum... I would just throw a pound or so per 20 gals of mix and let it cook in with the rest of the stuff. For me, the original recipe is my base... I add to it, if I feel it's beneficial... but, I leave the base alone, other than to re-amend when I re-compost my used mix. :peace:
I would not remove anything from LEVER's mix, if it were me. What I liked the most was the extra microbes to broaden your spectrum... I would just throw a pound or so per 20 gals of mix and let it cook in with the rest of the stuff. For me, the original recipe is my base... I add to it, if I feel it's beneficial... but, I leave the base alone, other than to re-amend when I re-compost my used mix. :peace:

Roger that 100% crystal clear. :D Thanks man. :smokebuds:
As the micro herd goes round and round they eat each other, there bodies die and become food for your plants along with there waste. There is no such thing as a vegetarian plant they dont eat "plant" matter they eat the broken down material by the micro herd... And microbs and bactria have a short life...about 20 minutes in some cases. IMO its a gimmick to feed off the backs vegetarians and vegans. But if it makes you sleep better at night...priceless.

My grandma could hear trees scream when there cut down... or so she said. When she would say that, I would tell her I have heard lettus cry before. And I always got a funny look.

Organic chicken feed is also a great fert, and cheap. Why dont you get a worm farm squid? then you can feed them all your plant waste and your golden...
When she would say that, I would tell her I have heard lettus cry before.
So, it's safe to say, you have been this way a long time?? :lol:

Why dont you get a worm farm squid? then you can feed them all your plant waste and your golden...
We should all have one of those. I haven't gotten mine going either, though. :peace:
Hey cres. We've been over this brotha...I' m not saying plants are vegetarian or vegan at all. Nor was I interested in the product just because of that. I am aware of how the microbes and cycle works.

There's a bloom/flower version that uses fish, blood meal, bone meal, etc.

I have thought of the worm farm before, but just as others, haven't gotten around to it. :D