Live Stoners Greetings AFN!


Medical Stoner
Jan 1, 2016
Reaction score
Been hanging around all off 2015 w/o saying a word but now its 2016 and things have changed! Started my first grow journal ever even though ive been growing photos and autos indoors and out for a few years now.

come check out my journal! I'm running 3 x Sweet Cheese Auto and sometime next week i'll be installing my 300w LED light. *excited*

Happy New Year and Sweet smokes to all!:pimp:
Welcome to AFN glad ya finally stepped out in 2016 to actively join the community... lots of exciting things to come and glad to have ya

Welcome to AFN, Brother, and welcome to the light!:toke: :welcome:
Congratulations on your recovery. and on getting that journal up and going. I'm a big fan of the smart pots, and love the cheese strains!
Have a :slap:, Fred, for a great start, a great grow and a Frickin' fantastic 2016:woohoo::pass:
Welcome @ChillFred ,If you have been "ghosting" for that long,then you know what a great site this is,You'll have fun !!!
Welcome to AFN, Brother, and welcome to the light!:toke: :welcome:
Congratulations on your recovery. and on getting that journal up and going. I'm a big fan of the smart pots, and love the cheese strains!
Have a :slap:, Fred, for a great start, a great grow and a Frickin' fantastic 2016:woohoo::pass:

Welcome @ChillFred ,If you have been "ghosting" for that long,then you know what a great site this is,You'll have fun !!!
Wow! Thanks! You guys really know how to make a guy feel welcome!
Yeah.. Now i feel dumb i didnt jump onboard earlier... I'm already lovin' the ride!
Yeah.. Now i feel dumb i didnt jump onboard earlier... I'm already lovin' the ride!
No need to feel bad, Brother, when I started I was hiding under the couch for a long time.:biggrin:

Now that you're rolling just relax, enjoy, and feel the wind on your face as the ride picks up speed! :funny::muahaha: