Green House Seed Co. Bio Powder Feed?


Yeah? No!
Jun 9, 2018
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What's happenin AFN! :vibe:

Wanted to try to get a little discussion going on Green House Seed Co.'s Bio Powder feeding line. I've done a fair bit of forum hopping and exercised my google-fu but the best I could come up with was a few test threads on GHS Co.'s own forums. Granted, the results look promising, but I haven't been able to find much more than that. I wanted to start a thread for those like myself that haven't had much luck elsewhere, so all input is welcome!

With that being said, they have 3 products in their Bio line: Grow, Bloom and Enhancer. A quick Google search will pull up their site but unfortunately the only key information you really get for Grow and Bloom is the NPK values and a little snippit that says not to remove the mycelium growth. I'll save you all a trip. Grow: 7-2-4 Bloom: 4-9-9

According to their site, Grow and Bloom are slow release natural minerals and raw materials made available by the accompanying microbacteria and fungus. What minerals and materials, you might ask? Tough luck. You have to buy a bag of each to find out.(More on this later)

Enhancer, for the sake of drawing a parallel, looks similar to Real Growers Recharge. It contains Humics, Seaweed Extract, strains of Trichoderma harzianum and Bacillus subtilis.
As for that other bit, I figured that even though I couldn't find more than what's mentioned above, it still looked I ordered a 500 gram bag of Bloom and a 125 of Enhancer! The price wasn't terrible and I thought that if I could make it from start to finish with only a couple top dresses and the biweekly inoculation, it'd be money well spent. The only reason I didn't order grow is that it seemed a little unnecessary. My soil that I'll be using is going to be lightly ammended with ewc, beetle frass and maybe a touch of perlite & biocharr. I'll see if I can get my hands on some by then but that's irrelevant. The point is, my soil combined with the Enhancer should be more than enough to put me through veg.

Now for the interesting part. Here's the listed contents of Bloom and the dosage instructions.


I'm not all too sure where Vinessee or Rapeseed Cake meal land in this but I thought that it was interesting. Also, I think that if they have supplement for Cal-Mag, it should be listed on their site because I know there's a good few LED folk that pick up Cal-Mag just in case. If it turns out that it's unnecessary, that cash down the drain. Know what I mean?

Annnnnnd Enhancer.


I am still a novice, so I would very much like to know the significance of the carbohydrates in the Enhancer. I want to say it's just food for the microbes?

Again, all input is welcome. I'd like the hear what some of you, that have been in the organics game for a while, have to say about these.
I know this is an old post, but wondering how this grow went for you and what are your thoughts about Green House’s Bio powder nutrients?
I’m considering using it with soil on my next grow but can’t find a lot of independent info out there.