second time fooling with autos.First time was pretty good.had a blue dream that has some super wierd brown spots and ended up trashing it.It was the biggest of all.The Humboldt blue dream autos got the biggest and were harder to maintain.they was very picky.Putting this here in case others are wondering or curios as to when i did a search it was hard for me to find any info on the strains.The blackberry kush was dutch passion the first time around.I was disappointed in both plants.Very airy buds and little trich production.I had 1 dinafem sour diesel didn't sprout out of 3.this run i decided to go with fast buds Blackberry and its a night to day difference.very nice compared to dutch passion.Also the Fast buds green crack on the last run was very dense and produced almost 8 ounces on my biggest plant.Fast buds beans are good stuff.
This run i tried dinafem sour diesel again.1 seed sprouted,the other 2 out of 3 started to sprout than thats it.Nothing.I,ll never fool with them again at almost 12 bucks a seed was a waste.
all 12 plants are doing kick ass on this run.At 28 days old there almost 20 inches tall and very dense.Nodes are very tight.
So i have a fast buds northern express also i sprouted late after i had 5 seeds total that didnt sprout.It migt have been the rapid plugs i used as normally i would just put the seeds in dirt and they normally come right up.
Also im putting CS on 4 of the plants to try and get some pollen to make some seeds on the next run with the stored pollen.Tired of spending 200 a run on seeds.Ill keep this thread updated with pics.Im on 5 days of spraying CS now and the pistols are dying off.just spraying one branch on 4 plants.i will put up more pics and updates each day till they are all cut and dried and will post final weights.
2 on right are WWBB front center is Blackberry kush,left front and middle back green crack and back left green crack.the others are to the left under a different light.all these are 28 days old,RO water and BIO BIZZ and general organics nutes in fox farm soil.
All 12 you can see the smaller northern express on the left.blackberry kush on front right.all the plants are pretty close to same size.
here is the buds i got off 2 blue dream plants on the last run.took 80 days total.I didnt think them plants would ever finish.I had a green crack that finished in 56 days and was the dankest shit i ever smoked.small i think i got like 1 ounce and a half on that plant but it was super strong.
This run i tried dinafem sour diesel again.1 seed sprouted,the other 2 out of 3 started to sprout than thats it.Nothing.I,ll never fool with them again at almost 12 bucks a seed was a waste.
all 12 plants are doing kick ass on this run.At 28 days old there almost 20 inches tall and very dense.Nodes are very tight.
So i have a fast buds northern express also i sprouted late after i had 5 seeds total that didnt sprout.It migt have been the rapid plugs i used as normally i would just put the seeds in dirt and they normally come right up.
Also im putting CS on 4 of the plants to try and get some pollen to make some seeds on the next run with the stored pollen.Tired of spending 200 a run on seeds.Ill keep this thread updated with pics.Im on 5 days of spraying CS now and the pistols are dying off.just spraying one branch on 4 plants.i will put up more pics and updates each day till they are all cut and dried and will post final weights.
2 on right are WWBB front center is Blackberry kush,left front and middle back green crack and back left green crack.the others are to the left under a different light.all these are 28 days old,RO water and BIO BIZZ and general organics nutes in fox farm soil.
All 12 you can see the smaller northern express on the left.blackberry kush on front right.all the plants are pretty close to same size.
here is the buds i got off 2 blue dream plants on the last run.took 80 days total.I didnt think them plants would ever finish.I had a green crack that finished in 56 days and was the dankest shit i ever smoked.small i think i got like 1 ounce and a half on that plant but it was super strong.