Green algae/mould on air pot?


Massive respect to all of the staff & contributors
Feb 16, 2016
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Over the last week I've noticed the growth on some green algae looking substance around the rim of breathable plant pot and is also faintly visible around the sides of the pots. There is also a slight white fuzz around the rim which is also visible when i look down the side of the the container (between fabric and coco).

Nothing seems too untoward at the moment, but I'm worried it could snowball in to a nasty problem.

Should I be worried about these developments? & if so, what action should I take?

Is there any chance whatever it is could have a symbiotic relationship with the plants?

Any help would be great.

Dom', sounds like just that-- algae... usually crops up when it's very moist consistently over time,... is it on the fabric pot itself, or a surface scum on the soil? White stuff sounds fungal, but I'll need a pic to be sure,... neem or any food safe fungicide will take care of the fungus, and the algae is more nuisance than threat,... I think better air movement around the base will help dry thing up better, and reduce the problem for both,...
I was having similar issues, and besides more air circulation, I would place my pots on a towel after feeding.

I feed daily so this may not work for you, but in my setup I am not worried about my soil drying out.
I'd feed the plants in the sink, and let gravitey do its part. Then I'd just used an old beach towel, and let them sit for 5-10. The capillary (I hope thats the right word...:biggrin:) action of the dry towel soaked up just enough so the pot sides where not overly wet.

I still do this on large pots, or large feedings.

If the white stuff is a fungi I wouldn't worry much, but it would go hand in hand with to much moisture. I tend to smile when I see fungi, but as @Waira a photo would be needed to tell. Not everything white is good.