Live Stoners Grass (grass like from a field) has started growing next to my Auto??

Jan 18, 2018
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Currently Smoking
kush, haze
i'm on my first grow, its a PC box micro grow, 2 x LED ... intake fan, carbon filter outtake
2 autos growing, 1 in soil and the other canna...
Its only into the first week and i have 'grass', (and not the intended grass), its like grass you'd have in your garden or a football pitch, yeah that grass! not much of it but a few strands have started to sprout in the plant i have in the soil?
Ive googled it but nothing! as you can imagine the results of typing this into a search engine ' grass growing in my grass plant', i think i even confused google ;-)

Any help/pointers/suggestions would be appreciated; is it ok to continue grow? etc etc

hi and welcome :pass:
what kindo of soil is it or where did soil come from ?
it kinda looks like grass,id guess harmless,if it bothers ya that much pluck em out.
good luck.
cheers mate, i probably should of opted for something else or done both in canna, but thought id try it.. lesson learnt... i will pluck them out, i was just checking i hadnt ruined it, thanks!

here is what it is >>
Doff never heard of it,but if usa that be why.but if thats a plug socket id be wrong.
I'm a UK penguin (Black Country) and that Doff looks like shit. Even Poundland compost would be better than that bruv. Looks like it is contaminated. Just pluck the shit out of it. Any bog standard peat compost from B&Q or similar will do. A lot of crap is talked about expensive stuff designed for canna plants. And general feeds will do. Start with high nitrogen, then when it starts to flower move to a potash high feed.

Welcome to AFN my friend and good luck with your grow. Keep in touch and let us know how you get along. Maybe start a thread in the New Growers Forum.

I'm a UK penguin (Black Country) and that Doff looks like shit. Even Poundland compost would be better than that bruv. Looks like it is contaminated. Just pluck the shit out of it. Any bog standard peat compost from B&Q or similar will do. A lot of crap is talked about expensive stuff designed for canna plants. And general feeds will do. Start with high nitrogen, then when it starts to flower move to a potash high feed.

Welcome to AFN my friend and good luck with your grow. Keep in touch and let us know how you get along. Maybe start a thread in the New Growers Forum.


This is what I like to see, someone not telling a noob that he MUST have a tent from this manufacturer, he MUST buy seeds from XYZ, MUST have the latest super expensive lights, MUST use only this sort of compost and that precise brand of food mixed with distilled unicorn piss instead of tap water.

Today, because it's sales time here, I'm off to my local Brico (big B&Q style place here in Belgium) because I'm going to need more compost, more feed, I want a couple more replacement bulbs and SWMBO wants some seeds to grow cherry tomatoes, etc, on the kitchen window (I'm not stupid, people see me carting in bags of compost then it's best to have something else they can see growing).

The universal compost I use is on a 1+1 offer for 10l bags. The bulbs are on a 2+1, the seeds all have at least 20% off and so does their own label liquid feed for flowering plants. I can see weed doesn't mind that stuff when I look at what I have growing now, and the beauty is that, thanks to us having this wonderful thing called ecocheques**, all of it will cost me the grand total of, erm, diddly instead of €20-25 with 4 bags of compost.

**Ecocheques: A Belgian government scheme where an employer gives you up to €250 per year just for working for him so you can use that money towards the cost of more treehugger friendly stuff like A+ rated fridges/freezers/washing machines/tellies/etc, LED lights, anything that involves growing your own food or plants, "bio" food, etc. Two years ago, thanks to these things and another "voucher" because of her being disabled, I got a brand new washing machine delivered on a Saturday for €50 instead of €450. Last year I got a whack in an electrical store after handing her a new vacuum cleaner and asking if she was happy with her Valentine's Day present, but I didn't mind because it cost me zero instead of €160. I get excellent tea and coffee from one bio shop for nada. I like this system....
We had a guy who did a grow and bought everything from the Pound store. And I mean everything. And it was a top notch grow. Just as good and better then some grows that cost a fortune. It can be done on a tight budget.

Sounds like Belgium is a cool place to be !...........Happy for ya BJ.