New Grower good potting soil found locally?

Jan 25, 2012
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Currently Smoking
Blackberry Moonrocks
This is for my guerilla grow. Whats a good potting soil that i could buy locally like at lowes or depot? Are the miracle grows any good? Should I do a 50/50 mix with perlite? I was just planning on post holing my holes dumping potting soil in the holes and transplanting my seedlings straight into them.

Also I need some nutes what do you suggest I can order that if need be.

My outdoors grows have always been pretty pathetic. This is going to be my first year with autos any help greatly appreciated.
Miricale grow is ok, just add some perlite.Make it says potting soil not top soil. Use mg all purpose fert until flowering,then use bloom buster or tomato food and follow directions good luck.
Don't use pre-ferted compo on germinations it causes stumpies and male dominances.

Buy plain potting compost if you are US..universal compo if you are UK.
check out the seagrow thread in the fertilizer section

and id stay a way from mg soil just look for some that's not got nutes like wiz said
If you're limited to Lowes and HD what I would suggest is getting some composted chicken manure, sphagnum peat moss, perlite and dolomite or garden lime. Mix that 3 parts peat moss, 2 parts perlite and 1 part manure. Add about 1 tablespoon of lime per gallon of mix. If the lime is pellets, crush them first. For nutrients, get the Better Gro Orchid Plus and Better Gro Bloom Booster. Much better than the Miracle Grow nutes.

I'm not a fan of the Miracle Grow soils. Most of their soils contain slow release fertilizers which can cause problems growing autos. They also contain too much bark for my liking. Also check Ace Hardware. Some are now carrying Pro Mix, which is a very good product and what I use.

When you dig your holes, make them the equivalent size of at least a 3 gallon pot if not a little bigger. Start your plants indoors and don't transplant till they have 4-5 sets of true leaves. Start putting them outside a few days before transplant so they harden up some. This will greatly increase your chances of successful transplants.
I concur with Muddys info....I've used MG years ago but it is not mj friendly stuff and very easy screw up ya plants. The only thing Ican say good abou MG is that it will teach ya a lesson on'll burn hte heck outta ya babes with the slightest overwatering....
With our local grow store being busted and now closed, I too am looking for an alternative to humboldt soil I've used for a few years...promix seems to be a good one....I personally prefer nuteless soils....
promix is def the one to go for... trust me... i tried lots of dirfferent dstuff... only 2 commercially available I found that were really good... was Promix BX and Ferry Morse.

Hey JM and Muddy, how do you prep your Promix? Perlite or other additions? I've been happy enough with FF soils, but I could save some coin with Promix and it's readily available.
I've tried a few different amendments with it. I used to be able to get worm castings in bulk pretty cheap and used them with some additional perlite. I've also tried adding blood, bone and kelp meals, along with epsom salts. I've also tried composted horse, cow and chicken manures. Of them all the castings were by far the best. I now have the new AN pH Perfect nutes and just potted up some plants 2 days ago in straight, unamended Pro Mix. This is the same method Jackal used for those monster Mi5 and Onyx he grew. If they work as well for me, that will probably be what I'll stay with.

I know JM likes the Pro Mix BX. I use that for seedlings under MH lighting but use the HP when potting up. I find that under the low heat of LEDs the BX stays wet too long.

Hey JM and Muddy, how do you prep your Promix? Perlite or other additions? I've been happy enough with FF soils, but I could save some coin with Promix and it's readily available.
Big thanks...big thanks!!