Hello my name is Mic and I stumbled across this great forum while researching Auto�s and I am very happy to be here. Great info and good vibes.
I just finished a run of Barneys Farm Auto Sweet tooth (First experience with Autos) and I will have the grow journal completed soon. I know that early on they had some issues with these not auto flowering but I had no problems so I assume it�s been corrected.
4 out of 4 seeds cracked almost overnight produced 4 healthy females that sexed in 3 weeks. There is one left at 66 days that is dragging it�s feet a little for some reason but 3 others finished with 20% amber at 60, 61, and 63 days. Produced roughly 2 oz each.
One happy camper!
I�m sure Auto�s are all I will grow for a very long time. You just can�t beat the turn around. Looking forward to being part of this great forum.
Have a great day! Mic
I just finished a run of Barneys Farm Auto Sweet tooth (First experience with Autos) and I will have the grow journal completed soon. I know that early on they had some issues with these not auto flowering but I had no problems so I assume it�s been corrected.
4 out of 4 seeds cracked almost overnight produced 4 healthy females that sexed in 3 weeks. There is one left at 66 days that is dragging it�s feet a little for some reason but 3 others finished with 20% amber at 60, 61, and 63 days. Produced roughly 2 oz each.
One happy camper!
I�m sure Auto�s are all I will grow for a very long time. You just can�t beat the turn around. Looking forward to being part of this great forum.
Have a great day! Mic