Girl Scout Cookies (RQS) Potassium Issues in week 6?

Jul 3, 2020
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Hi guys firstly thanks for allowing me on the forum, i appreciate being here. Might be panicking prematurely but i have had some issues over the last few crops with foxtailing, i think due to excess Calcium causing Potassium lockout and as fox-tailing essentially ruins plants i dont want to repeat for this beauty.

I'm still an acolyte, growing 18 months for my own medical use, have had some very successful plants, but one of the three always seems to after research i bought myself an EC pen to be more precise with feed and run-off etc.

Sadly this led to all manner of problems because the flipping thing was duff, giving me all sorts of chaotic readings, EC of 6000 lol. Now i have an EC pen that is legit (tested against each other) but the duff pen meant that i probably took action that i didnt need to, I.E flushing unnecessarily etc.

After flushing the plant quickly displayed signs of calcium deficiency so i have gradually upped the EC to 1600 which is equivalent to 3ml of feed per litre (other GSC plants I have grown had up to 4ml per l and been perfectly healthy....Intense recommend between 2-5ml per l) and where the Calcium def has slowed right down, the teeth of the plant are now starting to curl upwards which AFAIK is early potassium issues....but again AFAIK potassium deficiency/toxicity manifest in a very similar way (please correct if i am wrong)

I have pictured the Ca deficiency spots and the teeth curling as well as the whole plant/set-up

Watered today with 2ml per litre; EC in 1274uS - EC out 1254uS, pH in 5.7, ph out 6.0

So yes i am reaching out to people who will know a lot more than myself in the hope that some sage advice might be offered in a bid to snuff out this issue while the teeth curling is slight before it manifests as something more serious.

EDIT: I have never had a GSC foxtail, only other strains, usually run 3 diff strains at same time, learnt quickly that they all need different nute levels!

Many thanks!

Problem: As above

Medium/grow method: Coco + clay pebbles, 20L fabric pots, hand watered with 20% run off 3 times per day (7pm lights on, 5am, 12pm hour before lights off)

Feed: and supplements used: Intense Nutrients Coco A+B

water source: tap water EC 154 micro siemens / pH 6.6

Strain/age: Royal Queen Seeds, Girls Scout Cookies, Week 6

light used: 2 x GN Telos 0010 300W LED

Climate: 4m square room, 3 lights, 2 plants (usually run 3), 24 degrees celcius to 28 (maybe hitting 30 around noon on sunny days but lights off at 1pm so the hot period is not long) 50% humidity

Additional info: usually have 3 plants in the space, 1 per light per m2 with but one had to come down so to try and make up this babe has 2 lights hanging ~600mm


It does feel, from my limited experience that she is growing a bit slowly but that being said the GSC tend to really swell in the last few weeks which is why i am so keen to resolve this issue before it is too late!
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Could you have gotten some nutes on those leaves?They look great to me.
Could you have gotten some nutes on those leaves?They look great to me.

Thanks for taking the time to respond, i very much appreciate the feedback.

Def not splashed any nutes that high up as the mottling on the leaves is waist high.

Do you tend to remove damaged/deficient leaves? My thinking is if they dont recover (i.e. the deficiency damage stays visible) then removing them will allow me to spot 'new' deficiencies more easily

Thanks again i appreciate your help
Thanks for taking the time to respond, i very much appreciate the feedback.

Def not splashed any nutes that high up as the mottling on the leaves is waist high.

Do you tend to remove damaged/deficient leaves? My thinking is if they dont recover (i.e. the deficiency damage stays visible) then removing them will allow me to spot 'new' deficiencies more easily

Thanks again i appreciate your help
Yes,remove bad leaves.