There are lots of methods that you can use. The one I use as follows: I put the seeds in the fridge for 24 hrs. then I take them out and put them in a folded damp paper towel. wet the paper towel, then give it a little sqeeze so that it is damp and not soaking wet. Place the seed in the towel then fold it over. Then i put this combo in a black DVD case and set it on the top of my cable box. You might want to check the paper towel after 24hrs to check the dampness, if its dry add a few drops of water. After 48hrs on top of the cable box I open the paper towel, and I see the tails. I have done this twice and had all my seeds pop tails. Some will suggest soaking them in a shot glass until they sink. I would also wait until the tail is over 1cm long before putting it in the pH balanced rockwool cubes, it will get its head up quicker that way. One extra tip that I use is putting some root stimulator in the pH balanced soak for the rockwool cubes. I give the cubes 5 good shakes and then use alcohol sterilized tweezers to put in the seeds, after that brush the rockwool over to close the hole, and put em under 24hr cool white(6500K) flour light. and in a couple of days you'll see the little ladies poppin up. Once the I see the beginning of the true leaves forming I put them into where I am going to grow them. If using HID have that light at least 1 meter away. Good luck, and Welcome to AFN