New Grower Germinated April 11th are these autoflower seeds

Apr 4, 2016
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April 11th I germinate 14 autoflower seeds( or least I thought) since then I have harvested 10 plants one died, these 3 plants are 90 days old !! up to about 3 weeks ago there was no sex shown only lately they have double hairs since 2 weeks ago, under 18 /6 . Medium 13 gallon pots bio bizz light Mars hydro 600 3 hundred watt CFL. My environment is 2 metre tent. I try to be a good parent to these like the others so I'm baffled as to why these plants were not a success as the others were.

I pacifically ordered automatic. I used discrete seeds..
I don't know the name of the seeds ( at the start I mixed them all up mistakenly .

like I was saying I have harvested the other plants I averaged 45 a plant. Not bad considering myself a noob. )

I am moving on to my next grow not sure what to do with these they look healthy the height is 3 half 4 tall.. if they were automatic still would have been flowering well by now,
I'm thinking they are regular seeds mixed up maybe from the dealers end
if they are I have no problem with this because I'm currently growing regular seeds that will be flipped in about three weeks time but if these three Amigos are stunted or something I might just get rid off , I have little knowledge on cannabis genetics would they have energy if they are flipped 12/12 in a couple of weeks.
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My guess would be that they are photo plants ... sounds like that won't be a problem for you ... flip w/ your other photos and they'll make you proud ... nice looking grow ...