Outdoor Genofarm Purple Haze and Female Seeds Speed Bud (3 gal Promix)

Jul 14, 2015
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I'm a pretty new grower, and most of my attempts to grow so far haven't worked out so well. But I'm giving it another shot on a late-season outdoor grow. I will be moving these to a more discrete/guerrilla location when they get a little bigger.
From Attitude Seeds I ordered 4 Speed Bud Auto seeds from Female Seeds. Only one germinated, so I've got it growing. I also planted a freebie of Purple Haze Auto from Genofarm Seeds.
The growing medium is Promix Flex with no additions or amendments. They are in 3 gallon Viagrow fabric grow pots. I will be running these outdoors. Our first average frost here is around November 1st (approx 84 days/12 weeks from now). These are both supposed to be fast strains. The Speed Bud claims seed to harvest in 54 days. The Purple Haze approx 75 days.

If anyone would like to comment/mentor/give me advice during this grow, that would be great. I'd love advice on nutes, pest/disease control, harvest and curing, etc. I'm going to try to do weekly updates if you would like to follow this grow.

Day 3 Aug 8.jpg

i have the purple haze outdoor its frosty and smell very nice but my pheno was taking forever to start flowering maybe from
only getting 6 hours direct sun a day! it will go 100 days i think.

Hope you have a good grow and get a nice harvest dude what kind of nutest are you using?.
Diving deep, I haven't started feeding anything yet. I'll probably start feeding at about 21 days old. I've got some Jack's Classic 20-20-20 here. I may do that at half strength. What do you use?
Today I LST'd them. It's my first time to LST a plant. Let me know if it looks like I did something wrong.
They got one feeding at 1/4 strength of Jack's Classic on Day 12.
I will start feeding with DynaGro this week.
Temps have been cooler, in the upper 80s and low 90s. Heavy rains today. Temps are expected to be in the upper 80s for the next 7 days.

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Good luck with your grow, how are things going? I've had my eye on that Purple Haze as well....