Old Reviews Galaxyhydro 300w

Sep 5, 2015
Reaction score
Brand of LED:Galaxy Hydro

Price of the led :$119.95 US

Delivery cost:$119.95

What size was the grow space :4'x3'

Spectrum used:9 band: 430~440nm, 450~460nm, 610~615nm, 620~630nm, 650~660nm, white, IR(730nm) , UV 380~400nm, 470nm

Customer service rating..1-5:have not used

Wattage of the LED ( actual power draw if poss):100x3w epileds at 135w actual power draw

Optics used :none

Build quality:3/5

Warranty length :2 year

Any noticeable plant deficiencies :none yet

Value for Money Rating..1-5:3.5

Addition info :A good friend is currently using this light with good results on Great White Shark photo period,

Link to your AFN grow:

Link to where it was bought :Amazon product ASIN B00PH1MQV8
Pic of the LED panel ( optional ) :LED on the left 20150907_181553.jpg
*Update* Here are some better pics of the light. I should have mentioned in my first post that there are no veg/bloom switches and no on off switch. It is very quiet and generates less heat than the 92watts of CFLs next to it.
LED1.jpg LED n SD.jpg
I run three of there 300 watt lights and one of there 1200 watt COB galaxy hydro for over a year with out one hitch my friend. Great review
I have been looking at their COB lights pretty hard, seems like they would make a good partner for the 300w unit I have now. I am kinda surprised Galaxyhydro doesn't have a bigger following.
I think they are one of the main suppliers to all the little companies they are a big company they would slap a name on them for customers who buy volume and resell as there own .IMO
Update: The light has been going strong since August, running at 18/6 there have been no issues with the light. Fans are still quiet no bearing noise at all. As far as I can tell by eye it has not lost any strength, no diodes have gone out. I will definitely recommend this brand with out reservation. Only issue if one can call it that is the girls have been cal-mag hogs which I kind of expected maybe the IR and UV diodes are the culprit, but the increased veg growth and trich development are worth it imho.
So i ran a grow 24hours with one galaxy and one old style mars. Both light preformed great, but crystal production was more noticeably on the Galaxy. I went out and bought another galaxy! Will see how long they last. Running them 24 hours for 8 months out of the year.
Galaxyhydro is the way to go for the money, its built nice and solid run the fans are not loud and it does the job, I use a 600 watt 9 band GH light and it has done very well