Total led newbie. Been researching for days, and I see everyone talking about MARSHYDRO leds, are galaxy just trash? I noticed a 600 w for $199 (us)
Amazon product ASIN B00INM0DSG3w leds
i have a 2ft x 4ft x 6 tent and plan on getting either 2 of the 600s, or 3 of the 300s. WHICH WOULD BE BETTER FOR MY TENT? Or if neither, what size MARS do you reccomend?
I plan on putting minimum of 6 autos.
Amazon product ASIN B00INM0DSG3w leds
i have a 2ft x 4ft x 6 tent and plan on getting either 2 of the 600s, or 3 of the 300s. WHICH WOULD BE BETTER FOR MY TENT? Or if neither, what size MARS do you reccomend?
I plan on putting minimum of 6 autos.