Figured i'd throw up my grow of pineapple express autos although the grow is well under way-day 40,just about half way there.Started with 5 G13 pineapple express auto fem seeds,4 out 5 cracked within 24 hours of soak in water.Placed in jiffy cups with jiffy seedstarter mix and placed in humidity dome on heated seed mat.All 4 appeared with 36 hours and the games begin.3 days after they popped i transplanted into 16oz party cups with 50/50 mix jiffy seedstarter/ffof.At day 14 they were overflowing their cups so made the final move to 3 gallon smartpots with ffof.Lighting under 2foot 8 tube T5's and 3 single strip T5's for side lighting.Temps in the growcloset consistent 79f,humidity 45-50%,small fan for air circulation. I used Fd's nute schedule for the first 4 weeks and then branched off to my own feed schedule using the ff nute triut of the 4 pineapples my smallest one at day 40 is 19" and that one is in a 32 oz wonton soup container for the comp.Her 3 sisters range from 24-30" now and need water every 2 days and all have developed many budsites and their colas are starting to fill in a little.Plant smell reminds me of stale beer/skunk cross.Some of the leaves and buds have started to sugar up some and should be crazy when they get into the 60 day range.I have pollinated 2 of the biggest plants with flash cobra male pollen hoping for a crazy cross lol.I've thrown together a few pics of the biggest pollinated pineapple as shes got some crazy lloking leaves goin on near her top.Next update i'll throw up a family pic.Did not realize this plant got this big,4 pineapples and a cobra in a 33"x33"x6 growcloset is cramped quarters!