Harvest & Curing freezing trim ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter stoneyhomer
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do u need to dry trim before freezing and the same if freezing popcorn buds ??
Thai was telling me that he's cured wet bud with the freezer in really humid climates. I haven't tried it myself.. But, i bet you would be fine freezing wet trim.
thanks bailer got one plant down and trimed tonight one prob next friday and one maybe a week after that so gona freeze trim in batches and make one load of butter after all 3 are down tonights trim going in freezer now ill get some pics up on my thread tm night its l8 m off to bed early morning :.
Up North where I live they dry reindeer meat on outdoor racks during the winter -the wind does a lot of the work. Wouldn´t the frozen trim dry quicker if you freeze it in an open container so the water can escape? I´m thinking that otherwise the water will just condence on the bag? Haven´t tried it (I have frozen dry bud for kiefing) so this is just my 2c.
Frozen trim for bubble bags works fine, it stays fresh for quite awhile though.
Ive had trim in the freezer for 8+ months, is it still good for hash?
THANKS! I guess I will make me some X-Mas hashy then when this grow is done via the GUMBY method.....
i got a section of my freezer for trim, thrown in a carrier bag and just left their, it has all my trim from my autos and guerilla grow orange bud and the small buds i couldnt be arsed to trim.
ill be leaving it till mid december then doing a hash run for the xmas partys! woot wooop
then after you made the hash butter the trim and make an xmas pudding/cake :clap: