Outdoor Freakin Out!! need advice

Mar 28, 2015
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I was going to crack three autos this week I live below I'm below 33N and it is already supposed to get in the upper 90's all next week I've heard people say that they had grows turn out great with hot summer temps all opinions welcome but especially valued will be anyone who has done a grow in these conditions. Thanks
make sure you little girls can handle the direct sun all day -----give them good soil and food all should go great!!!! i grow outside from feb to december --sometimes they freeze but usually the dragons do good in the cool weather of fall.----i would think because of the weather the girls should grow very fast when its so warm outside also
make sure you little girls can handle the direct sun all day -----give them good soil and food all should go great!!!! i grow outside from feb to december --sometimes they freeze but usually the dragons do good in the cool weather of fall.----i would think because of the weather the girls should grow very fast when its so warm outside also
Every thing I see says they stop growing above 85-87F Do you have any recommendations I was going to use FF three part and Happy frog with added perlite I got three T12 4' 45w and 6 23w/100 I was going to bring them in on rainy days and maybe at night. ? I have one spot I can fit 2 gets shade between 11:30- 2:00
once aclamated they will not need shade-----should do very well if you keep them moist
by the way--dont believe everything you read!!! most here have had ups and downs from growing--the idea is to learn--if you dont try differrant things then you learn very little!!!anyone who says pot stops growing at 85 to 87 is dead wrong.i grew crops outside from june---97 degrees to sept. with 105 degree days.also inside with highs in the 100s and lows in 30s.good luck with it!!!
at what age would you begin to introduce sun light and in what increments?
i put out a few hours in the morning ---put in shade till evening----dont put out until it gets some growth---for most plants with in 2 weeks they should be ok.dont put seedlings out in full sun---wait a few weeks to start!--look here---its 80s outside here are 2 week old mishmash---started under a small light inside for 1 week--transplanted--kept inside 1 more week--went out this week---early sun--midday shade --evening full sun here are a few pics ---will be transplanted to full sun and large container next week
I just got back from shopping one city two towns and all i could find was Miracle Grow bullshit I finally had to buy their perlite or do w/o its ammended with shit MG Im hoping a soaking and a good rinse will get rid of most of it. I fuckin hate starting over