Nutrients Fox Farm Trio Nutes w/ auto flower plants.

Jun 28, 2018
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Hello AFN!

Im about ready to start my first grow and im just trying to get my ducks lined up.

Im using the root organics 707 soil and from what I read this soil should have enough notes in it so I do not need to provide any notes for the first 3-4 weeks of the plants life.

GROW BIG - I would start with the "Grow Big" in the vegetative state so maybe one feeding since the first 3-4 weeks do not need any additional notes.

TIGER BLOOM - Once I see buds, I would switch to "Tiger Bloom" and use that until I flush the soil closer to harvest.

BIG BLOOM - This can be used for the entire life cycle of the plant but again, since my dirt has 3-4 weeks of notes in it I could probably start this one on week 5 or 6?

I also read that I should do 1/4 - 1/2 strength. Is this correct?

What does everyone else do for a feeding schedule when using fox farms trio?
If you also use roots organic 707 soil please mention that.

Also, I should probably start to learn to read my plants.

So what are some signs and fixes? i.e. if I see a bunch of pale green leafs then pack on the nitrogen (grow big)

I too would appreciate this answer as I posted same question couple days ago.
Just abandon this thread and go to mine.
heh heh heh
U have a good understanding of it. Yes these nutes will work.