This is my next endeavour, never used them before.

Sent from my comfy chair.
[emoji16][emoji41] [emoji43][emoji848]
:d5: nicely done my man! :thanks: solid, everybody-needs-to-know info as always - :greenthumb:... you mix a mean cocktail bud! I thought I saw you sneek a sip or two,...:rofl:
...then you shower them with love!
:pimp: :wiz:
.... A note to folks about some of the specialty inoculants: some of them have microbes that actively attack fungal pathogens as well, fighting molds and mildews :amazon:... Armory and Actinovate come to mind for this,.. Farmacy may have some others to recommend too! :thumbsup:... I've been treating foliar sprays of them up through early bloom to help fight my [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] asshole harvest enemy, botrytis,.... Spores are ubiquitous, so inoculating the leaves and stems regularly will help keep on top of this as new growth develops!

:greencheck: An add-on tip for folks using coco or peat as a starting mix: sometimes if the surface gets pretty dry, it can become a bit hydrophobic, and doesn't re-wet well... To combat this, use a wetting agent in whatever you apply; this takes the surface tension out of the solution, so it penetrates faster and better... WIth foliars, it also helps coat and stick more evenly, instead of just beading up,.. more surface area covered = more absorbed!
Plant Sap Analysis Scientifically Assess Plant Health
Waira! You are right on point my friend! Thanks for elaborating my points and thoughts!

Here's a video I did on using Plant Sap Analysis to determine plant deficiencies:

Although it is on Tomatoes, the concept applies to all plants!

ps - love your shower girl! :)
ps - love your shower girl!
:crying: I hunted her up just for you mate :spels:---- :drool: ... I know you got hump-eye's for that! :rofl:

JM, have a look here at a new company, RotBlock... very interesting bio-control angle, this bacterium doesn't attack like the Strepomyces do, their critter becomes endogenous in the tissues, blocks and out competes other pathogens... If my OD season goes off, this stuff is going to get the real deal test! This spot is less than a mile from the ocean, cool and high RH%!
Just watched the vid' of your sap analysis, very interesting,... I'm a bit shocked at how many of your micronutes were at low levels, something I suspect is behind a fair number of issues I see at Sick Bay. Hence my constant harping about supp'ing with micronutes regularly along with humic-fulvic, fulvic + foliar in particular... I had been using Ful-Power, but it ain't cheap nor especially concentrated... Then my bud gRowshi turned me onto this powdered form! I called and asked about it more, and it's 100% soluble :thumbsup:... I'ma snag a tub of this stuff here.... otherwise, I've been liking the Earth Juice Microblast for broad micro' coverage, mainly sulfate based!
Anyway, do you have an idea about why you're low on micro's? Is it the soil-- lacking, leaching, locking up? ...with all the foliar you do, I'd have bet they'd be chock-full of righteous metals! :headbang: ... as you say, critical info to know.... I like the EJM because it's a liquid, well chelated (I still add fulvic anyway!) so it's easy and effective to use...

OK I gotta ask, what's happening with that insta-beard? :rofl: ... smooth as a tomato's ass at the start, then Rambutan lush the next!
You must be uber-stoned mate... I am TFSN... Havn't seen JM in this thread...
Hmm.. interesting on the biology thing.. I'm curious to hear how you make out.
On my shower girl.... my eyes went crossed and I passed out :rofl:

On my plant sap analysisn video, I spoke with my consultant at AEA and we came up with a gameplan to address the issues. Mostly my soil, being clay, lacks calciuma nd sulfur.. so 30 day regiments of amending soil with Gypsum (CaSO4) should address the calcium and help unlock most of the other ones in deficiency. A few, (like iron) will need a bit more supplementation.

On your nutes... interesting... but I am a BIG fan of AEA's products (properlu chelated and from high quality natural sources). I'd ays anyone looking to take thei growing to the next level should get some of this stuff:
Get the combo package! pretty complete base feed.. Made a HUGE difference for me last year over and above my exisiting foliar feed program.

Also.. ANY nutrient in deficiency:

Thanks for the always excellent exchange Waira!
