Foliar feeding


Flushing is a myth!
Oct 21, 2017
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Currently Smoking
a corncob pipe
Ok so I'm thinking about giving foliar a swing this season. I know nothing about it. I have a bunch of kelp meal so I was going to maybe make some kelp extract, but TBA I have no idea what I'm doing.

Now, I could go out and browse the web and get a bunch of conflicting information, but I figured I'd be a content creator and let you guys confuse me here instead.


-What do I spray on my girls?
-when do I start application?
-when do I stop (I assume spraying kelp extract on buds the week before harvest would be I'll advised)
-how much is enough?
-right before lights out?
-warning signs or lessons learned?
-is it really worth the effort?

Fire away kids, let me have a dose of knowledge in the face like a fire hose on Hong Kong protestors.
I spray optic foliar overgrow at lights on and have no issues

I made a bottle of tap water with 3ml of cal/mg and 1ml of super thrive and spray that every other. spray lights on without issues.

leaves sometimes show odd discoloration, dry chem spots or strange variegation but always seem healthy. I’m a hack and probably spray more often than I should.

I say make something weak and try it out. I’ll be following along though cuz I also would like to be confused by the varied different opinions.
So you don't notice any issues with the light damaging the leaves through the droplets? Do you feel like your plant do better because of the foliar feeding?
I've been foliar feeding since I learned some tricks from a neighbor in the 80s when I was trying to beautify my yard...I simply use some of those techniques when I began growing my meds 14 years ago.
I lived in an area of nice homes where everyone made efforts to maintain their property, and a healthy yard was part of it.
My yard was a mix of Bermuda, zoysia, and bluegrass which looked like green velvet and always reacted to some simple care.
A bit of soap in ya water will help soften soil so roots can uptake nutrients easier, then spray with a solution of house hold ammonia which turns to gas and is an instant nitrogen snack to foliage.
I still use these simple techniques now tending to my precious meds.
With my weed, I never foliar feed after flower.....only during veg.
Foliar feeds seem to have become more complex but the basics still work for me.
Here's what I use

Hope this helps!
I think a liter was good for six plants for a grow.

I notice spots with my homemade mix, none with optic foliar. I could probably add a surfactant like a drop of Castile soap but never bother. Battle scars build character
If by any chance you use biobizz nutes like me, then 1ml algamic 1ml activera 1ml bioheaven in 1 litre of water and my secret ingredient 2ml of wet Betty which is a wetting agent. I nicked this in the forum, I think from waira but don’t quote me on it. No marks no streaks just a nice even moisture everywhere. I use that in every watering too and it soaks your medium evenly. Always just before light off and next day biobizz leaf coat all over it. Every 2 weeks. Works a treat for me. Hope this helps. Peace.
I’ve heard you can use Castile soap as a wetting agent. Anyone have feedback good or bad. Overgrown is nice but a bit pricey. My homemade works well also but kinda want wetting agent that is cheap but works.
I’ve heard you can use Castile soap as a wetting agent. Anyone have feedback good or bad. Overgrown is nice but a bit pricey. My homemade works well also but kinda want wetting agent that is cheap but works.

So is there anything in your homemade besides calmag and superthrive?