Check the temperature swing. Most days are ok, nights can get pretty chilly and you gotta watch for those northern cold shots that last for a few days. Planning to set some photos out in greenhouse beginning of next year for flower phase and will definitely be using a heat pad/electric blanket.Can i grow in central Florida in the winter outdoors.
Got 3 White Widow. That are in the final day’s.
Any good seed dealers in the US
They're politicians, not their job to keep promises only to make em.I wouldn't hold my breath. How many promises have they kept so far?
Dear Supporters of Regulate Florida - When we began this attempt at legalization and home cultivation, we told you that time was short. It appears that time has run out for this election cycle, but we have momentum and we have laid the groundwork for a successful campaign for 2024. February 2, 2022 will begin a new window of 2 full years for us to collect signatures and with your help, your determination, and your donations of both time and money, we will succeed. At that time, professional petitioners will have the time needed to organize and collect signatures, volunteers will have more opportunities to pitch in, and we will have more time to raise the needed funding to attain the goal of ballot access for 2024. We are going to hit the ground running on 2/2/22! Please stay with us on this journey to the beginning of sensible marijuana policy for Florida and keep watching our social media for announcements and volunteer opportunities. We know you want to help. There will be lots of events coming up, now that there is a return to some normalcy, and we'll need you to help collect signatures on petitions at as many of these events as we can. At his time, we are asking that you not collect or send petitions to us. Petitions dated before 2/2/22 will not be valid. On 2/2/22 we will begin again to collect petitions for 2024 and all of the folks who signed already will need to sign it again. If you have a mailer or petitions that you have not filled out, please wait to fill it out until on or after 2/2/22 We know that with your help, we will succeed. The last three months were a great success and in only 25 days our push for 2024 will begin with more support than ever before! We appreciate your support and we appreciate you. Together we will Free The Plant! You can find the full petition here: You can download and print the volunteer petition, the one to sign, here: Please sign and mail it to the address listed as the “Sponsor Address” After 2/2/22. The only way to #FreeThePlant is to plant is to keep growing and keep moving forward. It all starts with you. Join us now at: Together We Win!! Highest Regards, As Always... The Board of Regulate Florida Michael C. Minardi, Esq. Chairman Karen Seeb Goldstein, Vice Chairman Chris "Sunshine" Williams, Director, |