I had a condition where I was spreading a mainlining split, and I had 2 branches/tips break off. I put them back in place and wrapped parafilm tape, but one of them did not take the "repair".
I think I'm close to a point to do another split (from 8 colas to 16) but I was really only going to do 8. So, I'm thinking, what if when I did the next split, I took one of them and tried to graft if back in place (and I'd just top the remaining 7) getting me back to 8. Is this feasible? It was about 3-days ago...
I think I'm close to a point to do another split (from 8 colas to 16) but I was really only going to do 8. So, I'm thinking, what if when I did the next split, I took one of them and tried to graft if back in place (and I'd just top the remaining 7) getting me back to 8. Is this feasible? It was about 3-days ago...