Outdoor First time Outdoor grow/greenhouse - early skunk autos

May 24, 2017
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Currently Smoking
blue dream.
Hey peeps...

I'm a first time outdoor grower, go easy :) ..just doing 3 plants for medicinal reasons and the fact I'm sick of being ripped lol (done an indoor grow few years back but not ideal now) so just here to say hello and if anyone has advice for me so far please on a natural outdoor grow .

Il put what I've done so far -

papertowel method (2 nights as waited for third seed to sprout but never?)

21/05 Very finely cut the seed where I figure it had popped as very small hole showed.

Put all three in soaked and drained special mix/gold label 13cm pots (i decided personally it was more convenient to do this for moving about/sunlight as ive got two greenhouses) and put in thermostatic propergator in greenhouse when temp was low with around 60/80% closed off for humidity

22/5 first sprouted no problemo and grew a good inch in greenhouse.
No sign of 'Alice' the biggest taproot I had
No sign of the seedling sprouting either

I read that's it's good to use tap water that's been left out a while in open top container to get rid of the chlorine and to regulate temp so don't shock the roots if too cold. ph level of water I used originally was 7.2 ish but just checked it today in the spray container and reading 6.2 ish so my understanding is this is still ok..?

I sprayed them mid afternoon 22/5 to keep moist but never soaked.

23/5 First one still doing fine.
'Alices' root/stem? showing bending 'n' shape in soil slightly.
No show of the 'sleeper' seed still...
kept all moist anyway by learning second time round to spray around the pot not directly on it. Been advised I can use nutes straight away but half of what was on bottle but ive decided not to for first two weeks.

Today 24/5
First one still growing slightly, now up to around 2.5 inches

'alices' root still showing stuck in soil. I tried not to touch root but move the soil around and slightly squeezed the pot to losen the soil a bit around the area hoping that itl help. I'm a herbalist aswell and ive learnt not to tamper or coax it out as it won't be strong enough to stand?

Anyone have any advice or opinions? no extra lights are being used just mother nature, like I say, I get my money back for the seeds and an extra smoke il be happy lol

thanks for taking the time to read all my bits!

Oh and I'm in Lat 52 Uk.

They've been in greenhouse day and night but accidently forgot to put them in propergator last night. All in greenhouse now away from other plants.
Hey peeps...

I'm a first time outdoor grower, go easy :) ..just doing 3 plants for medicinal reasons and the fact I'm sick of being ripped lol (done an indoor grow few years back but not ideal now) so just here to say hello and if anyone has advice for me so far please on a natural outdoor grow .

Il put what I've done so far -

papertowel method (2 nights as waited for third seed to sprout but never?)

21/05 Very finely cut the seed where I figure it had popped as very small hole showed.

Put all three in soaked and drained special mix/gold label 13cm pots (i decided personally it was more convenient to do this for moving about/sunlight as ive got two greenhouses) and put in thermostatic propergator in greenhouse when temp was low with around 60/80% closed off for humidity

22/5 first sprouted no problemo and grew a good inch in greenhouse.
No sign of 'Alice' the biggest taproot I had
No sign of the seedling sprouting either

I read that's it's good to use tap water that's been left out a while in open top container to get rid of the chlorine and to regulate temp so don't shock the roots if too cold. ph level of water I used originally was 7.2 ish but just checked it today in the spray container and reading 6.2 ish so my understanding is this is still ok..?

I sprayed them mid afternoon 22/5 to keep moist but never soaked.

23/5 First one still doing fine.
'Alices' root/stem? showing bending 'n' shape in soil slightly.
No show of the 'sleeper' seed still...
kept all moist anyway by learning second time round to spray around the pot not directly on it. Been advised I can use nutes straight away but half of what was on bottle but ive decided not to for first two weeks.

Today 24/5
First one still growing slightly, now up to around 2.5 inches

'alices' root still showing stuck in soil. I tried not to touch root but move the soil around and slightly squeezed the pot to losen the soil a bit around the area hoping that itl help. I'm a herbalist aswell and ive learnt not to tamper or coax it out as it won't be strong enough to stand?

Anyone have any advice or opinions? no extra lights are being used just mother nature, like I say, I get my money back for the seeds and an extra smoke il be happy lol

thanks for taking the time to read all my bits!

Oh and I'm in Lat 52 Uk.

They've been in greenhouse day and night but accidently forgot to put them in propergator last night. All in greenhouse now away from other plants.

Hello! Great to meet you! Hey i do pretty well outdoors here in central eastern cannada. Have a look at these two threads
Autos https://www.autoflower.org/threads/maximizing-outdoor-autos-guide-to-growing-under-the-sun.56402/
Photoperiod https://www.autoflower.org/threads/...-maximizing-outdoor-photoperiod-plants.59210/

Due to your location, one of the most important things will be strain selection. I am going to hail a bunch of locals in to help you out. @epenguin , @Vlad The Inhaler , @brock1 , @English Archer , @SpliffScot
Stubborn seeds are best half husked and placed with the remaining half of damp not wet paper towel in a air tight jar. I have germinated loads of seeds well over 20yr old like this and even poor stored slightly mouldy seed. As a herbalist you probably already that organic teas like nettle, comfrey, mares tail, ect are great organic feeds. Most readily available on site usually to. I don't believe you mentioned the strains you have? Auto photo crossed as F1's are my favourite. Most seed banks call them ether semi auto or fast version. I call them life savers and always have a supply of my own made seeds to save my crop is it's a shit weather year here at 55lat. Good luck with your grow mate.:cheers:
Hello - 55N UK - I'd love to say it's crap weather this year (and in a quirk of fate it's the first year in ages I'm not doing anything outdoors in the garden due to an injury or two << cant dig) but it's been dry and sunny since April and I've even had to water the lawn (IN MAY!!!) << virtually unheard of here to have to water anything outdoors pretty much all year..

Goto cry really as I'd have gone out to the coldframe early this year with a batch of Super Autos :(

What varieties are you growing?

As brock1 mentioned there are some good crosses that haven't quite become full Auto's that seem to be very promising in terms of yield, varieties are just described as early flowering or as Super Autos << but I'd say at F1 generations of seeds there can be a lot of plant variation. But there a lot of good well established auto varieties that perform well outdoors too. << it's so weather dependant here tho that I'd recommend a range of varieties... I used to pick a few 'staples' because a wet spell at the wrong time can really afflict a particular variety (on any given year).There are biological treatments that can help but bud rot at the end of the year is our No.1 enemy.... No.2 is it getting found and finding yourself in front of the court of course.

Last year I had 3 out of 7 plants outdoors that were stars and yielded those magic into the ounces numbers. [The others were poorly positioned - and got neglected when I was away for three weeks at the 'wrong' time] << can never be stressed cause once you get rot you either harvest or attempt a salvage and if you dont catch it you come home to NO buds there then... might get a bit of butter but nah bin it....

My old skool varieties are Auto White Widow (Seedsman), Northern Automatic << not sure but it was 'repackaged by ' blimburn << it's an Auto Northern Lights, and the Super Auto (now don't grow super auto's if accidental loss of 'stealth' is an issue, or F1s unless you can guess the parentage :D . It was called Super Stinky by Short Stuff Seeds << breeder is 'stitch' I think... while it's primarily auto flowering varieties discussed here we all stray off the chosen path occasionally and I'm sure Short Stuff will have many mentions here. This one was almost head height at harvest and had some early stem training (LST) that had taken it down by about 12" << came back from holiday and while the 'fancy' autos were dying and had rot the super was turning into an embarrassing goddess (that is something I worship but have to apologise to the neighbours for lol).

Sub'd up and let us know what your growing...