First time grower - 30 days in

May 28, 2021
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I figured it was time to join the party and share my experience so far.
I decided to run a couple of simultaneous grows to see what works best for me. I started out with White Widow autos from ILGM and added a ILGM Gorilla Glue one week later. I am doing 2 of the WW in 2 different soils. I am using the Pot4Pot Superb soil for one (2 gallon pot) and Espoma potting soil for the other (3 gallon). For the GG I am using 100% Stonington blend (3 gallon). Also the WW Superb soil and the GG are inside in the tent and the Espoma is outside on my deck.
my interior setup is a 32x32x64 tent with a Phlizon Cree Cob 1000w led and a Layond 4” ventilation system and a 6” oscillating fan. The interior plants are definitely looking much better, but the deck grow isn’t too bad either.
This is WW on the deck at 30 days

This is the WW in the tent at 30 days

Finally this is the GG at 22 days

Let me know how I’m doing?
So far I have only fed the outdoor grow a couple of tablespoons of the Coast of Maine plant food that was scratched in and watered. It did seem to help a little but it was only done a couple days ago. I did the same today with the GG. So far since this is my first attempt at growing I’ve been concentrating on trying not to do any of the beginner mistakes such as over watering. The whole point of using the Stonington and Superb soil was the fact that they state that I should not need any nutes. I will try and follow that at least until I get to flower. I will then probably add some Coast of Maine fish bone meal. I really like how Coast of Maine has the whole product line figured out for growing and takes some of the stress out as I get through the learning curve. I’m not real concerned with how much production I get with this first attempt, just that I get something.
heya @Boomer80 and :welcome: to afn! :toke: ur girlz look good & anything u need, jus give a holler :thumbsup:

ppp & :goodluck:

You are crushing it for a first grow. Also really like how methodical you're being by testing two approaches simultaneously. Looking forward to seeing how they progress!
So i am just about 7 weeks into my first grow now and my best girl is looking pretty nice as far as I can tell. So do any of you experts have any input on how she looks. From what I‘ve seen from others growing ILGM White Widow I’ve never seen them looking so blue (not complaining), just not sure if this is OK. My third picture is my ILGM Gorilla Glue and she was started a week later, and she also seems to be coming along fine, but not quite at the same stage as the WW was at this age 6 weeks.


I am now in a dilemma and wonder if I can trade places for a couple of my plants. My WW inside in my tent is progressing beautifully. However the GG in the tent just keeps stretching and the top is now just inches from the light. Both are in flower stage but I’m concerned with the GG and wonder if I can move it outside and if this sudden change in environment would cause any problems? I could also move the WW currently outside could be moved inside into the tent. I don’t see any insect issues with any of them. HELP!,

This is the inside WW right now. How does it look? Should I be concerned with the brown and yellow spots on the leaves around the bud?

This is the GG inside. You can see how close the light is.

This is the outside WW right now
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Yea, I'd switch them. The WW is far ahead of the GG.
The GG leaves look like they are getting too much nutrition. Maybe skip a week or so and water it well.
As far as the inside WW, as flowering advances the plant diverts it resources to the flowers and you will get some yellowing of the fan leaves. But I would hold off on its nutes for a week or so, just to make sure the leaves are not getting overloaded.
For your next grow I suggest some training and you can avoid some the height problems. Some good videos on training on YouTube and some good threads on training plants here at the forum.
I have not fed either the WW or GG anything for at least a week. Unless Fish Bone meal is considered? I did give each of them a couple tablespoons scratched and watered in a couple days ago. I will hold off on givi;g them anything else for now though. Since this was my first grow, I went with Super Soil for the WW and straight out of the bag Coast of Maine Stonington blend for the GG. I went with both of these for my grow medium since they are supposed to be complete and not need nutes (so they are advertised). But I am confused as I’ve also read that this only true up to a point, so I have not done much except water as needed.

This is really just a bit of an experiment for me and I‘m not concerned with how much I grow, just that I get something in the end.
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Today was harvest day for my White Widow indoor grow. Today marks 8.5 weeks since i first started the seeds. Although I certainly had my first time grow nerves, I must say I’m really happy with what I produced. I was at about 30% amber trichs, which is what I was shooting for.
One quick question is what I should do with all the trim I took off. I tossed most of the fan leaves, but I’m left with some nice leaf. What are others doing with these? I’m thinking decarboloxing (sp) and making some butter.
