Outdoor first time Auto-Fem grower HELP

Jun 13, 2015
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So i'm growing some auto's, and it's about day 10 in and they're all still on their first set of leaves? do they just grow really slow? ii'm currently using just soil mixed with miracle-grow, i am currently about to purchase Fox Farm Ocean forest today, and put it in with the backyard soil in the other seeds i haven't planted yet, but they are growing slow, and they don't look too healthy, i'm growing outdoors, but i've put two out already and they fell over, i think it was too soon. but i got in a hurry cause they wasn't growing any they just got really tall. i'll link photo's of what thy looked like before i buried the stems and they died. i don't understand what's happening, i never had problems like this with 6 month plants. please be simple with your replies as i'm not a expert. but i've grown really good 6 month plants. 11124065_10155716184740599_1115686765_n.jpg 11414758_10155725881745599_1761410151_n (1).jpg 11124065_10155716184740599_1115686765_n.jpg 11414758_10155725881745599_1761410151_n (1).jpg
First off,is that soil in the cups miracle grow? Are you growing under lights?
I don't think they're receiving enough light from the sun. I always start mine with supplemented lights so they don't go too gangly. N maybe a little stunted from the miracle grow
maybe a little stunted from the miracle grow
??? Never had any problems with Miracle Grow compost myself - normally add some John Innes seed compost and perlite to improve the structure. Just wondered why you suggested the compost ? - looks like my babies did this year (started too early and not enough light - was a dark and miserable cold May here). Like others have suggested next year I'm going indoor growbox for the first few weeks to give them the best start. If you can get them into a greenhouse or coldframe during the day when they will get more light they should be fine tho, and male sure those cups are well drained - weed hates wet roots.
Hi modest, I start mine inside as well. I'm gonna go with the others on not enough light, you can try moving them closer to stop them from stretching up for the light, also when you transplant bury the dirt almost up to the leaves, this will stop it from falling over and help ensure it grows a sturdy stalk to hold up those beautiful flowers
Hope this helps
Like every one else, not enough light. Maybe there shaded outside by a fence or tree? When you transplant them bury half the plant under ground so it is not so tall and lanky. Also I never transplant them that little its to soon. I wait tell about the middle of the 2nd week or the beginning of the 3rd week when they have stronger roots. I use the happy frog from fox farm. I would mix the ocean forest with the dirt cuz it is hot and will kill the plants rite now if you plant directly in to it. I like to start all my plants in side first. T5s and CFLs are great for this.