New Grower First REAL grow - Dinafem White Widdow XXL Auto Fem - Grow log - LED

Nov 14, 2014
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Hi Guys,

Thought I would put together a grow log of my Dinafem White Widow XXL (Auto & Fem) I am growing.

This is my first real attempt at growing as my previous attempt ended with a massive mite infestation that had to be tossed.

Pot: 2 Galon pot
Grow Media: Soil - Osmocote Plus Organics Vegetable & Herb Mix mixed with Perlite (70/30 ratio)
Light: 48x3 (150w) Mars Hydro Reflector LED
Cabinet: Stealth cabinet (converted 4 draw filing cabinet) measuring 130cm(h) x 48cm(d) x 42cm(w) -- converted to roughly 4.3ft(h) x 1.5ft(d) x 1.4ft(w)
Fans: 1x 4" axial fan pulling through carbon filter and 2x passive 4" intakes
Temps at present ranging between 25-29deg C - Currently summer here, can't wait for the cooler weather to kick in!!!

I am growing these under 24hr light, so no darkness for these little ladies! They gunna be wide awake from start to finish!

Will update weekly every Sunday and of course -any suggestions / input welcomed from seasoned growers! :)

Enjoy the pix and the grow as I am hoping for good things with this one!

The seed germinated within 48hrs after placing into container of water and waiting for tap root to emerge. I then placed it into the above said media and took 2 days to pop its head out.

First pics below are 24hrs after it poped out of the soil.


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Alright, it has been 7 days since the seed sprouted and pics say it all - she is loving the 24hr light! :)

Noticed a few fungus gnats floating around - no fkn idea how they got in as its a sealed environment so gave it a water with 5ml of eco-neem and 1L water 1/2way through the week.

3 days after applying the eco-neem and a bit of water the gnats are now toast - no evidence that there are any left but I will more than likely give it another hit of neem within the next 7 days just to be sure.


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If I remember correctly it's very important to keep the soil from staying too moist. Let it dry out every now and then. That should prevent the gnats from laying eggs in the top layer. Neem is a great idea too!

Looking nice for 7 days!
Cheers Wienerwoods,

Trying not to water too much at present - added extra Perlite to assist with drainage.

Generally test the medium after 2 days and dig down about an inch or so with my finger at the outer of the pot to see if its still a bit damp.

Won't water whilst the top soil is still damp.
Hello Bammers,its the fungus gnat larvae youve got to kill coz they eat the plants root hairs.
Neem is supposed to kill them but it never worked for me when i had them.
Have a gentle scrat about in your soil round the base of your plant,the larvae live in the top
couple of inches.If you still have them you will see tiny maggots with clear bodies and a black head.
I had to get Gnatoff (i think) to get rid of them.
I hope the neem sorts it for you,the buggers i had must have been immune.
Good luck with your grow pal.
Day 14 update.

She had her first drink 2days ago with 1/2 strength Bio Bizz - Bio Grow and added some Cal Mag in there just as I am growing under LED and apparently they need the odd top up or two!

Must say for such a young girl there is plenty of growth - starting to bush out quite a bit, but is staying really low. I am sure she will take off north very soon. Very happy with the growth thus far.

Enjoy the PICS! :)


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Day 21

Hey all, well week 3 has just finished (day 21) and things are still coming along nicely. She has had a few feeds and is bushing up nicely.

I would like some advise regarding the lowest leaves on this plant - seems one or two leaves have started yellowing up and have started going a bit manky / rusty / stained (as can be seen in the pics). New leaves don't seem to suffer at all only the bottom ones. Could it be a possible Cal-Mag deficiency? I have ordered some Alg-a-mic anyways and will be applying that when it arrives in the next day or two.

Hope to see some pre-flowers soon and would really love to see it gain some height - she is so compact at the moment and I would have grown two of these if I knew she was going to be so low and bushy!

Thanks for any input you have!

Hey Guys - need a little help here please - my plant seems to be going down hill!!

Can anyone tell me whats going on with these leaves? They seem to be going yellow / stained then shriveling up and dieing (bottom fan leaves). I am thinking this is a cal-mag deficiency, but am not 100% sure?

If anyone could shed some insight into this problem that'd be much appreciated!!
