Oct 30, 2018
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Whats up AFN family!

I am new to the forum (been lurking but just recently signed up) and new to autos. I already started a photoperiod grow and it is about half way through the flowering stage at this point. I am currently growing in my shed. The shed is built with a wood frame and has been insulated to maintain temperature during the cold months coming up (I live in the North-East USA). I have 2 - 4' x 4' tents in the shed. I am using an oil-filled heater to maintain the temperature and have a dehumidifier if the humidity gets to be to high. I have a temp switch in both of the tents connected to the exhaust fans to exhaust excess heat and humidity (more energy efficient than using the dehumidifier all the time).

Here is my setup:

Lights - 500W ChilLED Lighting kit and 260W XL QB - 24/0 for now then going to 20/4
Extraction - 6" Vivosun Fan and carbon filter
Fan - Vivosun clip-on fans and tower fan
Medium - Kind Soil topped with Coco Loco
Nutrients - None except Impello Tribus
Pots - Autopots 6 pot system - 3.9 Gallon pots
Grow Space - Vivosun 4' x 4' Grow Tent

Strain line up:
2 - Creme De La Chem
2 - Forgotten Cookies
2 - Creme Bubbly (Freebie)

This will be my first grow using Autopots, Kind Soil and auto flowers. My other grow is photoperiod smart pots with FFOF and I water by hand. I have heard so many good things about Mephisto and Autopots I wanted to give them a try. I know people have mixed reviews on Kind Soil but the amount of time it takes to water my other tent (about 2 hours) I thought it would be worth a try. I have also been keeping a close eye on The Bucket Company lately and may switch to their system in my other tent (If anyone has an option on them I would love to hear it).

So here goes...

I used about 3 pounds of Kind Soil in each pot as per their website for auto flowers. The 3 pounds definitely took up a decent amount of space in these almost 4 gallon pots. Then I topped that with Coco Loco all the way to the top. I did not put pebbles at the bottom of the autopot since the roots shouldn't be reaching the very bottom until the end of the grow.


I did think it was interesting how the Kind Soil was much lighter in color then the Coco Loco as you can see in the pic below.


Here is a quick shot of how (I think) the Autopots will be setup. These seemed very easy to set up (to easy if I'm honest). Are there any tricks when setting these up so it doesn't flood the tent?


Here are a couple of the beans showing the taproot before they were planted. I used the toilet paper method as per Mephisto's guide. So far both of the Forgotten Cookies and Creme De La Chem have been planted. However, the Creme Bubbly hasn't even cracked yet but we'll see.



And here is a group shot...


They were planted this morning around 1am and so far nothing has sprouted but I know it could take 1-3 days to come out of the soil.

Here is a quick shot of the lights while I was setting them up


I am pretty excited to get this started and hop on the Auto train.

If anyone has any advice or wants to sub be my guest! Hopefully many more updates to come.

Happy growing everyone!