New Grower First Indoor/Auto Grow - Red poison - Bloody Skunk - Sweet Cheese Auto

Apr 5, 2017
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Ive been a frequent visitor to this site in the last 5 months. Honestly, this site has the best and most consistent information on growing autoflower cannabis. Spent atleast 100+ hrs reading through various journals and reports. Helped tremendously in deciding what route I wanted to take. This is my first Auto/ indoor grow. Only have outdoor photoperiod experience. The 100+ hours of reading really brought to light all the shit I did wrong.

Set up:
  • 4x4 Gorilla Grow Tent Lite
  • MarsHydro Mars 2 1200w full spectrum
  • Can 33 carbon filter
  • Max Fan 6"
  • [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] Smartpots on risers
  • 40% Happy frog - 30% Cocogro - 30% Chunky perlite
  • General Organics GO Box
  • Real growers Recharge
  • Distilled water.
  • Rapid rooters
  • Propagation dome
  • Heat mat.
  • Red Poison x2
  • Bloody Skunk x2
  • Sweet Cheese Auto x2

I soaked the rapid rooters in a solution of recharge before dropping the seeds and placing them into the dome.

Tap root penetrated the rooter in 3 days. At this point only one seedling has fully poped its head out of the rooters. Very suprised the roots made their way out of the bottoms before their heads popped up to the surface.
At this point I moved them into their final home.([HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] Smartpots)

Due to my environent (cold basement) I had to pop on the Led panel to bring up the temperature to 72. (20/0) Im also not currently exhausting due to the same enviromental factors.

Its now day 5 and all of my seedlings see to be doing well except one Red Poison that seems to be a little unhappy. While propogating the tap root was exposed to air and was slightly damaged. Its slightly smaller than the rest and has a very strange coloration of its first spear leaves. A deep brownish orange yet they seem healthy other than that. Also shes slightly shorter than the rest. Most likely due to the stress.

Red poison that had slight root damage.

Another thing is, im wondering if Im pelting them with too much light. As all the cotyledons are turned down

My other Red Poison for example

Any thoughts or critiques would be appreciated.
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Hey man. :welcome: to AFN! Great bunch of people here, I'm sure someone can help you out. Look's okay to me, but what the hell do i know? Do you have both switches on your light turned on (veg/bloom)? How far away is your light? I've got the Mars II 400 and my plants show heat stress at about a foot to a foot and half, for a general idea. Think I'll stick around for this journal if you don't mind. :pass:

Thanks for the welcome.
Appreciate it. The panel is hanging about 30" from the seedlings with little to no stretch. I'm also only using the veg switch, because I've read that seedlings tend to stretch under red light.

Ill be updating regularly. At least weekly until things get a little more interesting to look at haha.
Seems like u have it at a good height, u may even be able to lower it a couple inches. Looks good as far as i can tell.

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Today marks the begining of week 3. Two weeks from when they popped their heads. (Apr. 4)
Not alot going on but thought I'd update nonetheless.
Just gave them their first feeding at half strength. Calmag at full.
1/3 gal per plant every water/feed.
I water every other day or untill they visibly need water.
water with recharge every time because I know it won't hurt.

They seem to be pretty happy.
The Mars 2 is at 25" with both switches on.
Had to add a couple ceramic heat lamps to keep the temps above 60°-70°. Things are warming up here so I wont need them for long.

The Sweet cheese auto (middle two) seem to be showing the most vigor and are really healthy plants.
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Welcome aboard! Everything is looking great. Sweet setup you've got there. Those roots are expanding like crazy, in another week, BOOM! :growing:
Thank you,
Hope everyone had a lifted 4/20.
Yesterday, day 16. Both of my Sweet Cheese Autos decided to show sex. I dont know if it will become an issue but from my knowledge that is a little early. Both have pistils comming from the 3rd nodes. Im assuming its genetic as neither the red poison nor the bloody skunk have pistils.
Sweet Cheese are the middle two.
Day 22
Just a quick update.
Everything is going great.
They have really started to take off.
Fed them veg nutes yesterday and plan to do so until vertical growth slows.
Update day 28.
Fed them a day earlier than usual because they really needed it. One of my bloody skunks are defficient in somthing. Im thinking iron. Im not going to mess with it because I lack the equipment and expeirence to deal with it and its not suffering too bad. Probably only feed veg nutes one last time before i switch to bloom.
ive moved the girls from the back to the front and moved the sweet cheese from the middle to the right. Node spacing and stacking are wonderfull on both sweet cheese. Redpoison and bloody skunk who share genetics have a very interesting structure. Probably wont be has high of yielders but only time will tell. Also have a confirmed purple pheno of bloody skunk. Of course i moved her front and center.
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