New Grower First Grows of 2022 (photo dump)

Jul 29, 2021
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Hope everyone’s doing well! :weed:

I’ve got a couple new autos in the 2x2 closet tent, as well as some new gear.

Upgraded my light to the Unit Farm UF1000 full-spec LED, and I’m already pleased with its performance over the Giixer blurple box light. Not only is it genuinely providing bettergrowing light for my girls, it’s true color spectrum means I don’t have to spend a grow trying to color-correct my pics!

Also revamped the entire airflow setup to using a single Vivosun 4” 195CFM duct fan. It alone is providing better airflow than the jerry-rigged setup I had last year.

And for the first grows of 2022, I popped a Sweet Seeds Dark Devil Auto, which is described as a more sativa-leaning strain around 15-20%, and even won 1st Auto of the Year in the 2014 High Life Cup. I’m also growing my first White Widow, this one being an auto from Pyramid Seeds.

These were planted in 3 gallon fabrics filled with FFOF, which I cored out and filled with a seedling pot sized amount of straight coco coir, the idea being this would act as a built in seedling pot and prevent nutrient burn. So far, that’s worked exactly as planned!

Seeds popped about three weeks ago today, and the DD is actually showing a couple tiny pistils today!?!? Also, took a chance and topped the DD, because why not. Never tried it before and I’m interested to see what happens!

White Widow appreciation post!
This girl is coming up lovely. 22 days old and just throwing out new stems everywhere! I’ve never had one do this in my short time growing, so I’m pretty excited to see what the future holds. I really think she’s got the genetics to be a real stunner!!!

This Dark Devil is a weird one.

Ever since day one, she’s been this tall, thin, lanky and really sparse with the leaves. And a lot of the leaves that come out look pretty curly. Not like, sick or diseased curly, but like… genetically fucked up lol.

What do you guys think?

Day 28, and the girls just got their first feeding of Fox Farm Grow Big and Big Bloom!

The White Widow continues to look super healthy and has gotten a few fan leaves removed to clear up the lower bud sites. Growth has slowed down almost to a halt, so I’m hoping that means flowers are right around the corner and I get to see that explosive flower stretch!

The Dark Devil continues to be… well, weird. I’m chalking it up to genetics, but who knows. She now dwarfs my only other grows at 17” and growing - putting on nearly 5” in just a couple of days almost sounds like flower stretch, and since it popped some pistils two weeks ago? Yeah anything is possible with this bird.

Tent conditions in the 2x2 continues to be damn near perfect. Outdoor weather has changed indoor temps and swung humidity a bit (shit been wild here in VA the past few weeks), but the temp and RH in the grow space have stayed right at 79° and 50% on average!

I see you ..Yes its looking funkey right ..Like a twisted sister LOL hmm so weird could be it doesnt like something inthe soil or somthing fell in the pot or ganetics I guess time will tell in flower . hmm let me think on this one. Make sure there are no bugs! figeres crossed :)
I see you ..Yes its looking funkey right ..Like a twisted sister LOL hmm so weird could be it doesnt like something inthe soil or somthing fell in the pot or ganetics I guess time will tell in flower . hmm let me think on this one. Make sure there are no bugs! figeres crossed :)

Can’t figure it out! No bugs, same soil as the other, in the same tent and conditions! I’m chalking it up to this pheno’s genes. It’s healthy as far as I can tell, just looks weird!
And here we are four days later, and even more growth! The WW is looking stunning, symmetrical. When she puts the flower stretch on, I’m gonna lose it! The DD still looks weird but damn if she ain’t tall. Flowers are definitely coming in full, so she may be in need of some more head room before long.

No idea what I’ll do then:baked:

I’m not a huge fan of my DD. She started flowering before my WW and has really odd bud structure. They’re really skinny buds. Mine isn’t growing nearly as tall as you’re but definitely has more bud sites. I didn’t remove any bud sites on her because they’re all pretty much to same size top to bottom.


My WW on the other hand is fattening up nicely. She’s been covered in white pistils for longer than any plant I’ve grown so far.
Day 35, and the White Widow is now properly in flower, whereas the Dark Devil has been “in flower” for almost 3 weeks now. It actually looks like it’s stacking a bit? I’m very impressed with the WW though, and glad I got three more seeds! It’s been a very fun, beautiful and relaxing grow with her.

40 days in I believe, WW is flowerings and starting to stretch, while the DD has started putting out trichomes! Each of these are now twice the size of my first and second grows, so I’m extremely pleased with this progress! Another dose of nutes tomorrow probably, and no signs of deficiencies or burns on the WW (the DD has looked like that from day one, no idea why).