Indoor First grow...VERTIGO (paradise seeds)

  • Thread starter Thread starter raypar
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hello everyone, this is my first attempt at growing indoors. Comparing to everybody else's it seems to be going slow and all of them are growing different sizes.


  • Pure Blend Pro Grow
  • Pure Blend Pro Bloom
  • Liquid Karma
  • Cal-Mag Plus
  • Silica Blast
  • hygrozyme
lights... T5 bad boy 40.000 lum 24hrs for about 2 weeks. then 1000w hps for 24hr . temp 72-80 humidity 50-60

watering.... I've been watering every other day and doing Nutrients every other. Ph 6.0-6.5 ppm for that, I've been using Botanicare’s calculator.

these are 6/10 that I had. the big girl there. She popped in 12 hours. she was a half inch long IN 12hrs! and has been out-of-control compared to the others.

I have a couple questions. About how much water do you put in the 3 1/2 gallon sized container? if it's light and how fast you put the water in is it okay to have standing water as your watering? what light would work better for autoflowering? I have T5,mh,hps. any help would be appreciated...thank you

the first 2 were a couple days ago. The rest are from this morning
they are all about five weeks 4 of them had shown sex about 5 days ago
Your pot should dry out somewhat between waterings.You can tell by the weight of the pot,if its heavy no water is needed and when it's real light you need to water.If you have catch dishes under the pots water until it comes out the bottom of the pot and leave for a while for it to soak up a little water after an hour you can remove any water still left in the runoff dishes or if its not alot it will evaporate and give some humidity.As far as lights I use cfls so I cant comment on t5 or hps but the hps will give off a lot of heat that you will have to deal with.Nutes should be bloom nutes along with your calmag.:smokebuds::D
thanks a lot, I appreciate it. That clears up the watering. how about the nutrients do you follow the Suggested feeding and do you feed her with calmag ever feedings? the :firedevil: heat is a monster my room started off for my 6x7 and now it's 11 x 10. I got that taken care...
bro looking real good mate
goodluck my bro