Indoor First grow, started bad, finishing bad...?

Aug 13, 2018
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Hi everyone,

Some months ago I presented myself in the forum, about my first grow, everything was prepared and ready. Got some nice Mephistos and other (auto Demon mass).

Seeds very germinated inside a sealed plastic container in darkness, 6.5ph water, i put them between paper towels. I germinated in total 12 seeds, only 5 got a root, i could save 2 seeds from Mephisto (from 6), at least i can taste some of them.

I was very frustated, very. I did everything as i saw in countless forums, videos, etc... My initial planning was broken. A friend and myself think the paper towel (typical paper used in kitchen) contains something that broke the germination process...

I planned to open a thread and follow my grow, but, as i said, those were bad weeks...

Time has passed.

Finally, i got the first 3 plants, 2 from Mephisto and the Auto Demon Mass. Were put in soil 27/august..
I friend give me 2 more auto seeds, amnesia and an unkown one, in soil 12/september. So 2 weeks younger than the other 3.

I use a 1.2mx1.2m tent, a 200w 3500k citizen leds bought from YUXINOU official store.
18/6 schedule.
I use bottled water, ph 7'8, ec 120ppm
My nutrients are Trabe Bachumus Evolution Grow and Flora (both ONLY 4ml/l once per week)

Edit: 4ml in 1L of my water (ph7'8, ec 120ppm) of
Bachumus Evolution Grow -> ph6'0, ec 590ppm
Bachumus Evolution Flower ->ph6'2, ec 760ppm

I wonder how 1feed per week in those ec levels can feed my plants?

Soil was a light soil (peat substrate from Peatman)
I got around 27-30ºCelsius, and 40-60%humidity all the time.

First month was nice, growing green, fast and nice.

Second month I think the flowering was small and deficient.

But i said to myself, well, maybe they'll get thicker with time.

A week and half ago, newer plants started getting very very yellow, even some big leafs got very dry with dark spots.

I looked online, I know in the last weeks leafs got yellow and die, but that was around day 50, and i think these strains were 65-70 days autos. So..., I double checked nutrient plan, I did right, 4ml/l once per week.
One of the two newer plants are getting yellow also, and they were only on day 30~

Maybe nitrogen deficiency? Maybe these nutrients being bio, need some kind of bacterias in the soil?

I think plants are not developed right, being my first growing, I say to myself, well, next one could be better? Sometimes I think it wasn't a good idea to start growing...

One of the first 3 seeds. They have 60 days today.

The most mature of the first 3 seeds.

Dry leaves, I thought about cutting, but still firmly to the main stem.

This next one is one of the newer ones, the unknown one. Very light green and yellow,
since 7-10 days. These last 2 seeds are 41 days old today.

Detail of the yellowing process

Finally. I think something is wrong with my soil or my nutrients.
I don't think i can get 20g dry in any of these plants.
I got 2 led cobs, 200w total, that could be around 400w in HPS if i am right.
I thought it could be right for 4-5 plants.

Any tips? I know being in day 60, I probably give them only water next 1 or 2 weeks (trichomas still clear, but leaves....) But the other 2, only in day 41, maybe i can revert these yellowing...?

Next grow i plan to do topping and lst. But time will say.

I am disappointed, sorry, not very optimistic here. I started to become frustrated in the seeds, the ending is not doing any better...

Thanks for reading!
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Wow, thats a lot of info to sort through. I will reply again once I've thought this through. First impression is that overall deficiency. I think she needs micronutes, and nitrogen, and flower booster. I also think your pH is most likely high, evn though those numbers add up to high 6's once mixed. You have got a complex problem at the end of the grow, you're gonna need some help from @Waira
thanks @Rev. Green Genes , even if this is my first growing, I was thinking somewhat what you say, general deficiency, nutrients.
Let's see if at least I can learn something positive about this one.

I know, growers with experience could just control nutrients and water plant by plant, adjusting everything just by looking at the plants. But I need more experience for doing that, so I followed the nutrients plan of my nutrients brand. Maybe I did something wrong. But doing just 1 nutrient water per week, it's difficult to make an error.

For the next one, I've bought a flower boost, mycorrhizas, bacterias and a product of the same company called Hemplex, algae used as general plant stimulator.

Thanks again!!
... the Rev called it right, this is an over-all longer term underfeeding issue, with multiple defc's happening here,.. at this advanced stage, it's hard to say which all they are, but for sure N and P defc.,.. micro's often follow, but I don't see Fe, Zn, Mn symptoms at least,.. they play big roles in blooming! Feed more, PK especially, but some Grow may be mixed in for a little N boost... what are the NPK#'s on the nutes?
... not too much to do for them this late stage, just feed more, but no forcing too much, it won't help,... next time symptoms show, check in sooner, don't let it magnify like this before trying to figure and fix,...
Also, just to check,.. is your pH meter calibrated recently, and stored in the proper solution? Has it dried out fully before? they can easily get knocked off spec's, and drying may ruin it pretty quickly,....
Thanks guys!, definitively i did something wrong with nutrients, this can't be nutrients lockout but the contrary...
Well, let's see if my second grow is better, i wish so.
About ph, i calibrated the tester when i got it, but i'll test it again just right now.
I've been using apple organic cider to down the ph (when only plain water was used 2 times per week), i guess this is ok?

At least i can taste some mephistos!
Thanks guys!, definitively i did something wrong with nutrients, this can't be nutrients lockout but the contrary...
Well, let's see if my second grow is better, i wish so.
About ph, i calibrated the tester when i got it, but i'll test it again just right now.
I've been using apple organic cider to down the ph (when only plain water was used 2 times per week), i guess this is ok?

At least i can taste some mephistos!

I might go with white vinegar instead of cider, but it most likely would not hurt anything. If your looking for homemade pH adjustments you can also use dry crushed eggshell tea to raise pH and a little calcium boost.