First Grow... Possible lockout/pH swing

Dec 5, 2020
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Hola everyone!

First off thanks in advance for taking the time to read this post.

ive been lurking here for a bit trying my best to gobble up all the info my little brain can handle. things have been going well so far but have some concerns about runoff ph.

currently at day 40 (from popping out of soil) and id say about 11 days into flower. shes a northern lights auto in a 3gal smart pot with foxfarm happy frog soil about 25% perlite and for nutes im using foxfarm trio an GH calimag

2x2.5x6 gorilla grow tent
light is a Mars TS1000 sitting about 18" from main cola and set at roughly 75% power
have a cloudline t4 for extraction and a 4" intake fan
temp and humidity is stable at 75-77f (23-25c) and 45-48rh during lights on and lights off is 70-75f and 40-45rh
using RO water from a 5 stage system installed under the kitchen sink. ro water ph is 6.8.

ive run into some minor issues along the way. first being bad drooping/clawing due to waiting too long to transplant from solo cup to final pot. this cleared up two days after transplanting. also had a bit of what i believe was light burn and possibly some mag deficiency that popped up at the start of week 4. this cleared up, no additional yellowing tips or brown spots on other leafs, after increasing calmag.

this brings me to my problem or potential problem. throughout the grow ive ph'd to 6.5 for all waterings. ive been monitoring runoff ph since about the start of week 3 and every time the ph has read between 5.4-5.6. ppm is also giving me some negative vibes. last feeding measured at 600ppm going in and 920 coming out. watering between feeding (ro w 1ml/gal calmag) measured at 195 going in and runoff was 700. seems as though lockout is inevitable? obviously my fear is shes on the verge of lockout but just not showing it yet as shes in early flower.

at this point she doesn't seem to be showing signs of stress/deficiencies. i did noticed a few small yellow spots on two middle/lower fan leaves but nothing else seems off. i havent tried anything major yet to rectify the ph swing as im afraid ill somehow trigger a cascade of new issues. pictures are from today.


Possible deficiency?

• id like to get thoughts on whether she should be flushed next watering or at all? ive seen conflicting views on flushing autos. im watering every 2 days and feeding once a week (water->water->feed).
• was planning to do a 1/2 dose of tiger bloom next feeding (5ml). i know shes hungry and i want to increase the nutes. should i go with a 1/2 dose of the flowering nutes and see how she handles it?

alright ill quit rambling. thanks again for taking the time

Your plant looks very healthy.
You will get wierd leaf colouration here and there, and although this leaf looks odd. Majority of your folliage looks healthy. So not much is needed to be done. I wouldn't concern myself to be honest.

And when you flush, you just need to flush on one occasion. You want lots and lots of run off so the nutrients are all gone from your medium. And then you feed it again straight away with correct nutrient levels.

Are you on soil? Or Coco, if you're free n Coco, feed everyday with nutes.