New Grower First grow plan. (From seed to cured)


"Safety first,then teamwork"
Jul 27, 2015
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Hi all new here and thought ild post my plan for first grow to see if you would reccomend a tweak/ change.I have got the info from a few people/places u may recognise as your own advice but I have took bits from different people and came up with this.

Ive planned it around autos....I am using 0.8mx0.8m squared tent.I have a 600w Mars hydro reflector series led. (Actual watt I don't know lol)...I have a 400w and 600w hps and ballasts for back up.
A small black orchid extractor fan but doesnt look too good so have a systemair RVK100 also for back up(everything 4 inch as small tent).... A buddy carbon filter(I ordered cheap and noticed it's only 6 inch in length so maybe need bigger,but hoping it will do at least 1 grow).. Using 11 litre basic square pots... going to do just 3 plants at main goal in growing would be able to get just 1 plant grow that produces as much as some would get out of 3-5. So then if caught (touch wood) I can say wot I have 1 plant lol...(also 3 days ago the laws in UK just changed so that it's less of a used to be anything under 9 plants u probably won't go to jail.depending on previous record.but now it says if caught growing they will offer rehabilitation,so almost a no jail guarantee).....Not sure about if going to do a journal just thought I would share my plan and see wot you think to maybe save me doing something wrong.thanks

(I read to use spray bottle to water at first but looks like I forgot to put that can't remember what exactly was said.if u think so too please comment and say so I can change It to make sure first feeds are done properly.thanks)


Random info:
Ph level 6.3 - 6.5
Veg 70-85°F / flower temps 65—80°F
(Have 10° differnce in temps)
Humidity: 50% ideal (in the plant canopy)
Pot straight in big pot (Autoflowers)
No scrog or LST (maybe lightly bend branches down,elastics-paper clips)
Biobizz light soil
Biobizz Organic nutrients (just veg and bloom)
Heavyweight fast and vast seeds.

NUTRIENT INSTRUCTIONS:(% of reccomended)

week1 (seedling) – Ph adjusted water
week2 (start of vegetative) – Ph adjusted water
week3 (vegetative) – Ph adjusted water (maybe 1/4 veg nutes)
week4 (pre-flowering) – 1/2 veg nutes
week5 (first flowers) – 1/4 bloom nutes
week6 (flowering) – 1/2 bloom nutes
week7 (flowering) – 1/2 bloom nutes
week8 (flowering) – Ph adjusted water (2 part flush)
week9 (flowering & harvest) – Ph adjusted water (2 part flush)
(dont water 5-6 days before harvest & turn lights off for 24-48hrs)



1. Add around 30% extra perlite to your soil and mix it all together thoroughly (tip: rinse your perlite in a kitchen colander to get rid of the dust before adding it to your soil).

2. Start adding your soil/perlite mixture into the pot. Don´t compress it, just tap the pot to ensure no air pockets, Fill to around 1 cm below the lip of the pot.
(Put layer of clay pebbles to keep top of soil from drying out,and works as a slight pest eggs protection)

3. Water pots filled earlier. Give them a really good soaking allowing plenty to run out of the bottom. Once they are soaked, pop them into grow tent with the lights on in order to bring everything up to a nice warm temperature for 24 hours,this will allow the soil to absorb plenty of moisture but not be soaking wet – very important!

4. Germinate straight into the final pots. Simply press a small hole into the center of the pot (no more than 1cm deep), drop your chosen seed in(sprout facing down if germinated), and brush a little loose earth over the top. Give it a very gentle press down. Next, take some clingfilm and cover the top of the pot with it.

5. leave the pots in tent with the lights on and try and forget about them for a day. After 24-48 hours,start checking to see if they have broken through the soil yet.

6. Once they have opened fully and shed the seed casing,remove the clingfilm and leave the lights running 24/0

7. Do not feed yet just give light (watch for stretching/burning)

8. After a few days seedlings should be more established and have a couple of sets of leaves.Temps now become important. Ideally you want to be between 24& 29C.
now check if they need water(feel through drain holes)if still damp leave and check daily(just ph water untill week 3)when they feel dry water and pour untill run out bottom (15-20% what put in)continue to check moisture water when necessary untill week 3

10. Week 3#
Continue checking the moisture levels and providing water when needed (maybe nutes),but at this point all that is needed is to monitor the environment. At this point switch lighting up on led (light has a veg and bloom setting) and change the schedule from 24/0 to 20/4


11. Around week 4 should start flowering.when The first flowers appear (little white hairs) give first diluted feed
(0.5ml per litre)(alternate clean water and nutrients and follow nutrient instructions)plants will shoot up now and pots will dry up quicker so check pots more offten.(do Lst training now if your going to)contine to check moisture and environment heat,feeding when required (plain water every other Feed)
stop watering for 5-6 days before harvest to produce more resin.


65 and 75 days is most common.leaves should start to yellow and die off, and flowers should be swelling nicely and looking like the finished product. (Leave longer untill bud leaves yellow for more weight/stone)


Cut the plant at the stem (as low as possible) and hang upside down,trim the fan leaves and leave To hang (remove leaves from tent if required for humidity purposes,if ok leave to dry in tent)
Keep the temp between 18.3 -23.8•©
And the humidity between 45-55%
Try avoiding the plants touching.
Check on it every day or two for mould etc. When the bud feels dry but not crisp and the stalk bends but doesnt snap is when its dry.


Place the buds into jars, not to tight (turn horizontaly should have about an inch gap).& place a humidity meter in jar to make sure the humidity stays between 56 - 65%
(If it goes above 65% open the jar and allow buds to dry a bit more.if it goes below 56% the buds are over dry)when the humidity is ok still open jar every 5 days to allow them to breathe for 30-60 mins. When the sealed jars show humidity that’s consistently 55% or lower the buds are dry
Store dry buds in their jars in a cool, dark, climate-controlled place,don’t store buds in temperatures below 4.5C / 40F and above 26.7C / 80F.
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Looks like a good plan to me..didnt read the hole thing yet but so far so good.But you can do LST and dont think they will only go for 75 days some go longer not sure on that strain though.We have had a LST comp or 2 on AFN.I think I like caning the best though.:slap:
Looks like a good plan to me..didnt read the hole thing yet but so far so good.But you can do LST and dont think they will only go for 75 days some go longer not sure on that strain though.We have had a LST comp or 2 on AFN.I think I like caning the best though.:slap:
Thanks and thanks for th info I thought it was just photoperiod that you can do LST on.learn somin new everyday.I think at first ill just grow basic and only tie if gets out of hand,like towards the light but then again would it matter if it gets close to a LED I can imagine it won't burn it maybe just block some light source.
Look like you're off to a great start. Not sure about covering the pot with cling wrap. The seeds need oxygen and the humidity in there will get crazy. Might i suggest like a plastic berry tub with slits in it. You need to have air flowing in there.

One thing, you may want to look into the paper bag dry method vs. hanging.

I'm about 3-3.5 weeks from a harvest and going to go with paper bags after doing some research on the subject.

Good Luck and welcome to AFN.
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I'd start it off,on beg nutes maybe a bit earlier than week 3 bro.

Tidy start. Peace
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Look like you're off to a great start. Not sure about covering the pot with cling wrap. The seeds need oxygen and the humidity in there will get crazy. Might i suggest like a plastic berry tub with slits in it. You need to have air flowing in there.

One thing, you may want to look into the paper bag dry method vs. hanging.

I'm about 3-3.5 weeks from a harvest and going to go with paper bags after doing some research on the subject.

Good Luck and welcome to AFN.
Cheers Mr mojo I was actually just thinking this week about a tub like a lunch box instead of the cling film but a berry tub would be even better with the pre cut holes.and I'm going to look up the paper bag method and see what I think.cheers
I'd start it off,on beg nutes maybe a bit earlier than week 3 bro.

Tidy start. Peace
Yh? I read not too at first because I'm planting straight into the main pots.the Biobizz full mix (think it's called) would burn a seedling. And the Biobizz light mix I'm using would have enough to get it through the first few weeks.not sure about this just wot I've read.
I start my girls on veg nutes at about day ten
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