Outdoor First grow in the hot heartland.

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H'okay so. Early in the spring I started about 12-15 bagseeds to experiment with on my first grow. Started inside in peat pucks and jiffy cubes (peat pucks had a way higher germination/sprout percentage btw). Kept them inside for approximately 14 days after the last one had sprouted, inside a jimmy-rigged half ass stealth grow box. Its an old leaf-blower box on its side (so its long, relatively wide, but kinda short), with an old blacklight that I slapped a 15" flourescent tube (unkown wattage - Guessing 15-25ish) zip-tied to the top of the box. Ended up with results far exceeding my expecations for such a shitty setup. At the 14 day mark I moved them outside and have been giving them weekly waterings/feedings with FF Grow Big and Superthrive. All but 2 died in the floods.

H'okay so. We are now in the present and I finally got my autoflowers in the mail :jump:. I am going to start them inside for 10-15ish days, then theyre gettin the boot to their permanent homes. Nice healthy 3gallon stealth pots (wrapped in camo duct tape, buried 2/5 in the ground) filled with 70% fox farms ocean forest and 30% perlite.
They are also being grown in the same grow box under the same conditions, and are not looking bad. Planted them in a combo of peat pucks, jiffy cubes, FFOF and an organic seedling mix . Its been 5 days since germination and all but 2 have finally sprouted up (jiffy cubes ~.~).
Included in this autoflower grow are:
Easy Ryder x3 (1 germinated but didnt sprout - other I will germinate in a few days)
Nirvana seeds Northern Lights x4 (Ive heard bad things, but we will see....)
Nirvana/Sativa seeds Jock Horror x5 (same as above)
Buddha Seeds Red Dwarf x1
Barney Farms Pineapple Express x1
Chronic Ryder x1
White Widow Photoperiod x1 (freebie.....what the hell even tho its kinda late)
(Coming soon: Short Stuff Seeds Blue Himalaya x5)

Got my order from the attitude seedbank and out of 17 seeds that I attempted to germinate at once, all but one germinated (freebie - Sweet Deep Grapefruit photoperiod)

Pics will be coming in a week or two when they are safely stashed outside.

P.s. I have to haul water in to one of my spots, and my tap water is way too high in pH for that. Ive heard lemon juice works well in soil for lowering the pH of your water....can anyone confirm or will it like....destroy them?
Keeping PH regulated in soil is best done with dolomitic lime. It should be premixed into the soil, otherwise sprinkled on the top (2tbs per gallon size of container) mixed in a little over the top 1/4 inch and watered regularly. It will take effect.

The FFOF has ground oyster shells in it which have somewhat of the same effect of PH buffering. What these materials do is buffer your PH to 6.4-6.8 for optimal nutrient uptake.