First grow head aches

Dec 21, 2020
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Currently Smoking
Vaping during day joints at night and edibles
Okay so plants had a rough start as first time coco growing I didn’t know not to have only water feedingjngs and went through some ph issues and anyways I got it all figured out feeding 1.3ec at week 2 of veg(As per AN feeding chart) and 5.8 ph perfect nutes but would ph up to 6.2 as advise from another AFN member.

so now I started noticing the perlite going brownish and found one with some green..
Also seeing white specs on the leaves but can’t find any mites under anything..maybe dandruff from the air? Idk but anything’s possible

So I have tsw2000 light at 50% 16inches away

15Lautopots(not on system as I took them off after finding out it was to early last week) 70/30 coco/perl with clay pebbles at bottom with airdomes

light is on 18/6 temps at 25 during lights on and 17 (lowest)off.

I’m feeding AN coco
Grow a+b
Rhino skin
Cal-mag bonicare
Hydrogaurd bonicare
And sensizym
All at 1.3ec feedings.

have 2 6 in fans blowing air around and the 6 inch ac infinity controlling temp around 25(turns on lvl4 every now and then go lower temp in range)

I was feeding 2 hrs before lights on and again 10 hours later around 5/600 ml each plant

I have them raising out of the trays for runoff drainage and had them spike now..1.3-1.5-1.8 highest..
Pics for algae

If any more info is needed please let me know! I’ll do my best to give you the proper information. The struggle is real being a newbie and no one I know in person dealt with anything indoors.
Got info from another source
White dots ended up being prefilter fabric falling.
Algae normal for coco autopots(aslong and none in the rez good to go)
Im a newbie as well! They look good to me! Perhaps overwatered slightly? This site is great for newbies!
Im a newbie as well! They look good to me! Perhaps overwatered slightly? This site is great for newbies!
Actually the opposite! Algae normal for coco in high watering, as coco needs to keep 90% saturated. It defiantly is, it’s just growing in coco and not know anyone who’s used it before sucks haha so I’m relying to people online until I can return the favour and help others once I get it settled! Coco apparently amazing to grow in..just gotta watch salt buildup so drying out is not a option