New Grower First grow - having issues could use some help

Apr 30, 2018
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Hey! So this is my first grow. Everything seemed to be going well, but pretty much no growth now in 2 days and the leaves are looking a little on the yellow side.

I check the ph 1-2x daily and I keep it between 5.5 and 6.5. It’s a DWP/bubbleponics set up. Light schedule is 18-6. I’m using fox farm nutes and I’m currently doing 1/4 dose.

Any recommendations or insight would be appreciated thank you!!

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Hey! So this is my first grow. Everything seemed to be going well, but pretty much no growth now in 2 days and the leaves are looking a little on the yellow side.

I check the ph 1-2x daily and I keep it between 5.5 and 6.5. It’s a DWP/bubbleponics set up. Light schedule is 18-6. I’m using fox farm nutes and I’m currently doing 1/4 dose.

Any recommendations or insight would be appreciated thank you!!

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Looks like nutrient burn, or got too dry. Is the tap root into the reservoir? If not you should be watering the pebbles every hour to stimulate root growth down. I use a top feed system when plants are that small. and then turn it off after the roots are a few inches into the reservoir.


Hey Brother, Welcome to The Forum.

Are you checking your pH with a pH meter? And do you have the total dissolved solids or EC meter? The reason I ask is you don't want to be adjusting your pH up or down after you mix your nutrients up and put them in your Reservoir. That requires you to measure the total dissolved solids and determine how much nutrients your plant is utilizing and find the proper nutrient level.

You will have a pretty difficult time growing well if you don't have a TDS/EC meter and if you don't get used to feeding closer to what the plant desires.

Anyway, if you have those things give us a few measurements during the day and we might be able to help you get to a better nutrient level.
Hey! So this is my first grow. Everything seemed to be going well, but pretty much no growth now in 2 days and the leaves are looking a little on the yellow side.

I check the ph 1-2x daily and I keep it between 5.5 and 6.5. It’s a DWP/bubbleponics set up. Light schedule is 18-6. I’m using fox farm nutes and I’m currently doing 1/4 dose.

Any recommendations or insight would be appreciated thank you!!

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Greetings Sk & welcome to AFN. You already got some good tips here, I'll elaborate with a few more.
That range of pH is way too large for hydro grows, you can get by with it somewhat but overall plant health will suffer. And pH is one of the most common problems encountered by new growers. With hydro you want to stay in a range of 5.8 to 6.1. Given the wide range you quoted, I expect you are using a liquid reagent tester like General Hydroponics makes? If that's what you're using you want to shoot for a bright piss-yellow, no orange tint whatsoever, and maybe the slightest hint of green. That will get you as close to 6.0 as you'll get with a reagent drop tester, and it should keep you out of low and high pH danger zones. You don't need to check it twice daily; even daily can be overkill if you have made no changes to your reservoir.
I see you're using a rapid rooter plug for the newly germinated seedling, that's a good product as well. But like ManO'Green said, she's not going to grow very much until the roots reach the reservoir. For that reason, and to assure she doesn't dry out until that happens, I prefer to start my seeds in a simple bubbler, much like one can use for cloning photoperiod plants. You need a plastic coffee can with lid, a few 2" net pots, and a small air pump with air hose and airstone.
A pic of the setup is below.
Drop the germinated seed / rapid rooter into one of the net pots, add a very weak nutrient solution (1/4 tsp. each of your
grow, & bloom base nutrients to one gallon of water) to within 1" of the bottom of the net pot, drop in the airstone and place the container under light. I like using a 23watt CFL placed about 3" above the plant. But you can use your grow light as long as it is at least 36" above your plant. With a stronger light I'd go even higher.
As soon as my seeds germinate & break the surface, I place them in this little bubbler. You might need to add a bit more of the weak nutes after several days, but otherwise the watering takes care of itself. Watch the color of the rooter plug; if it starts to get lighter your water is probably too low. The plant should grow to 3-4 nodes within 7-10 days, and have a very healthy root growth that's ready for transplanting, probably like 12" long. You can leave the rooter in the 2" net pot, trim a hole in the bottom of your larger DWC net pot to pass the roots through, and drop grow rocks in around rooter plug, net pot and all. When your transplant is completed and you're I your main reservoir, you'll want to go to a stronger (but still mild) nutrient formula. I start with 2.5mL (1/2 tsp.) each of my micro, grow and bloom formulas for the first week to ten days, then increase again.


Continuing, you didn't say but is this an autoflower? 18/6 is good for photoperiod grows; 20/4 lighting is better for auto's. Some people run 24/0 / always on, but my experience has been a greatly diminished return on the extra lighting, plus worsened heat control and excess wear on your equipment. So if it's an auto use 20 hrs. on / 4 hrs. off.

I do agree with jingo that if you're going to be hydro you need an ec / ppm meter. But for the immediate future, with the very week seedling formula followed by a slightly stronger early grow transplant formula, you will be fine. And as long as you keep nute strength around 50% (or less) of your nute vendor recommendations, you can probably get through entire grows without one. But I'll warn you now - cannabis is not addictive, but growing it is. In order to be in full control of your grows you'll want a meter. But if low on funds now, get the pH meter now and wait until you can afford the ec/ppm.
A lot of new growers are fond of the Lucas formula nutrient regimen. This is a lower strength nute regimen that will keep new hydro growers out of trouble, and many growers have done good crops with it for many years. Do a bit of reading / research & let me know if any questions.
I didn't think to ask until now - what kind of water are you using? Tap water? Well? Rain? and I hope not - softened?
AND - many growers like to mist their plants. I try to stay away from that, especially with the little bubble cloner. It keeps enough humidity around the newly germinated plant to not need misting. Plus, misting can cause leaf burn if done under stronger lighting.

OK that's enough for tonight, let us know if any further questions. Hope this helps & bestaluck to ya!
Im sorryI hadn’t written a response to you guys sooner. I really do appreciate all the help. Things with it have gotten better. I changed out the water and did about 1/8 nutrient recommendation on the fox farm guide and the nutrient burn stopped from spreading.

Going into week 3 I’m still disappointed in the growth, but there was some decent growth over the last few days so maybe things are looking up.

Temperature in the tent stays around 70-75 degrees humidity is currently at 44 and in the daytime spikes around 50-60.

I did invest in a TDS digital meter to put along with my digital ph meter. PH has been staying between 5.8 and 6.1. PPM has been around 450. I’m set up to do another change on the water tomorrow so I’ll be sure to monitor things more often and better after the changeover.

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