First grow, experience needed

Jul 18, 2020
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Hello. I'm new to this forum but have been told this is the place to be for top notch autoflower advice, so here goes. I am attempting my 1st grow, a Skunk #1 and a Haze XL. I am growing in soil, in 3g pots. My medium is a 75/25 blend of soil and perlite. The soil is a 50/50 blend of FoxFarms OF & HF. My plants are 45 days old. I bought my seeds from Growers Choice and I've been happy with them, my plants for the most part have been healthy and robust. About a week ago I noticed that the lower fan leaves on the Skunk were fading a bit, so I did some reading and felt like it was maybe a calcium deficiency, so I went to my local garden center to pick up some Calmag. They didn't have it, so I bought a Calcium supplement and an Iron+ supplement (which also contains a bunch of other trace nutrients like copper, boron, etc.). I applied them at half strength, but I believe I burned my plants regardless. The packaging for the Skunk seeds said they would be ready for harvest in 45 to 50 days. I've read enough to know that that information is a sketchy guideline at best, but now I'm wondering if the fading/yellowing of the lower fans was the plant pulling the nutrients out of the leaves at the end of the life cycle. Since the burn showed up, each plant has been watered twice with plain PH'd tap water and the spotting has started to improve but the yellowing is still consistent if not more pronounced. Can someone with better trained eyes then mine clue me in as to when this plant might be ready to harvest? Should I try and remedy the yellowing fan leaves or let it ride? Thanks in advance for any insight.


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Your plants look nice, especially considering it is your first grow. In soil grows one needs to focus on building a microbe population in the root zone to make nutrients available to the plant. You need to inoculate the soil at several points throughout the grow. For example, I plant a seed directly into the soil, in the hole I make for the seed I add some DYNOMYCO. Then when I water to help get the seed to sprout I use Mammoth P, and I also use a inoculant called Megaphos, Phosphorus fixing microbes are very important early on in life as this nutrient is much needed during the formation and growth of roots. Now I dont water alot during this early and critical stage but even time I do I am giving it some microbes, other products I use are Plant Probiotics, Recharge, URB, Forge, with the intent of building a good guy population of microbes, good healthy soil biology which will take care of the plants needs...... which will make nutrients available to the plant where it needs it, when it needs it.

Now, in the case of your plant, If I use a CalMag I use one made by Medocino, it is a flowering CalMag that doesn't have Nitrogen which when in flower you dont need as much. Also I think you have a Potassium deficiency. This is often the case when one gets into flower such as your plant, she has undergone hormone changes as she is now focusing on preserving her species. Though I RARELY feed my plants I do have products on hand and in this case I would recommend a product by NPK Raw called Potassium...... small micro doses every other watering, just to assist her into getting to completion...... Good luck, I think you are doing wonderful....... Lower leaf fade is normal in soil grows, it happens in nature....
Your plants look nice, especially considering it is your first grow. In soil grows one needs to focus on building a microbe population in the root zone to make nutrients available to the plant. You need to inoculate the soil at several points throughout the grow. For example, I plant a seed directly into the soil, in the hole I make for the seed I add some DYNOMYCO. Then when I water to help get the seed to sprout I use Mammoth P, and I also use a inoculant called Megaphos, Phosphorus fixing microbes are very important early on in life as this nutrient is much needed during the formation and growth of roots. Now I dont water alot during this early and critical stage but even time I do I am giving it some microbes, other products I use are Plant Probiotics, Recharge, URB, Forge, with the intent of building a good guy population of microbes, good healthy soil biology which will take care of the plants needs...... which will make nutrients available to the plant where it needs it, when it needs it.

Now, in the case of your plant, If I use a CalMag I use one made by Medocino, it is a flowering CalMag that doesn't have Nitrogen which when in flower you dont need as much. Also I think you have a Potassium deficiency. This is often the case when one gets into flower such as your plant, she has undergone hormone changes as she is now focusing on preserving her species. Though I RARELY feed my plants I do have products on hand and in this case I would recommend a product by NPK Raw called Potassium...... small micro doses every other watering, just to assist her into getting to completion...... Good luck, I think you are doing wonderful....... Lower leaf fade is normal in soil grows, it happens in nature....
Thanks for the reply and kind assessment. I did add some Great White myco early on in the plants development. I didn't dust it in, I watered it in probably about 10 to 14 days into the grow. I also supplemented that by adding some black strap molasses to the water. I have heard that helps feed the bacteria and that the plant uses some of the sugar. I added it on 2 different occasions, but not consecutive waterings. It has been probably 4 weeks since I have added any molasses to the water, do you think I could use that in the short term for the potassium deficiency to get her over the finish line? In your estimation, how much longer doest this plant need to go? I was guessing 2 weeks, but I have been told by more than one person it would be 6 weeks. That seems long, but I have nothing previous to go by. I think that advice comes from people who grow photos and 6 weeks seems like a canned answer... like in the Money Pit when the contractors kept saying "2 weeks".
I believe the issue your beginning to see is that the plant has pretty much exhausted the nutrient load in the soil, and is now beginning to cannibalize lower leaves to continue growth. Your going to need to supplement NP&K as well.

She has several more weeks. I'd guess 4 or so, unless she really kicks into gear.
Molasses doses once a week are not a bad idea, however here is where I prefer Recharge as it has some in it not to mention some fulvic/humic acids... I would think your plant is 3-4 weeks out......if not longer...... you have some time to go, so enjoy the show....
Hello. I'm new to this forum but have been told this is the place to be for top notch autoflower advice, so here goes. I am attempting my 1st grow, a Skunk #1 and a Haze XL. I am growing in soil, in 3g pots. My medium is a 75/25 blend of soil and perlite. The soil is a 50/50 blend of FoxFarms OF & HF. My plants are 45 days old. I bought my seeds from Growers Choice and I've been happy with them, my plants for the most part have been healthy and robust. About a week ago I noticed that the lower fan leaves on the Skunk were fading a bit, so I did some reading and felt like it was maybe a calcium deficiency, so I went to my local garden center to pick up some Calmag. They didn't have it, so I bought a Calcium supplement and an Iron+ supplement (which also contains a bunch of other trace nutrients like copper, boron, etc.). I applied them at half strength, but I believe I burned my plants regardless. The packaging for the Skunk seeds said they would be ready for harvest in 45 to 50 days. I've read enough to know that that information is a sketchy guideline at best, but now I'm wondering if the fading/yellowing of the lower fans was the plant pulling the nutrients out of the leaves at the end of the life cycle. Since the burn showed up, each plant has been watered twice with plain PH'd tap water and the spotting has started to improve but the yellowing is still consistent if not more pronounced. Can someone with better trained eyes then mine clue me in as to when this plant might be ready to harvest? Should I try and remedy the yellowing fan leaves or let it ride? Thanks in advance for any insight.

molassez for the win! :yay: heya @Br33zy and :welcome: to afn! :toke: from what i see, the hairz haven't even begun to die back, so u've still got a wayz to go...hint -> pay absolutely no attn to numberz...plantz take as long as they take & that'z all there is to it ;) great commune here & anything else u need, jus give a holler :thumbsup:

ppp & :goodluck:

I believe the issue your beginning to see is that the plant has pretty much exhausted the nutrient load in the soil, and is now beginning to cannibalize lower leaves to continue growth. Your going to need to supplement NP&K as well.

She has several more weeks. I'd guess 4 or so, unless she really kicks into gear.
Thank you for the response. That makes a lot of sense, I am starting to see the same fading on the Haze auto as well. I have some FF bottled nutrients. One of them is Grow Big [?](6-4-4), but I am a little leary of using them. I have read more than a few posts (not necessarily on here) where the mis-application, especially with FF, has wrecked someone's grow. When I mixed my soil, I had enough to fill 4 pots, but I only grew 2 plants, the other 2 pots are set aside for a future grow. I have about an inch of space left on top in the current pots, do you think I could top dress with some of the remaining soil? Would I get the same effect as feeding w/ NPK fertilizer? I feel like that would be a guardrail against going overboard on the bottles.
Molasses doses once a week are not a bad idea, however here is where I prefer Recharge as it has some in it not to mention some fulvic/humic acids... I would think your plant is 3-4 weeks out......if not longer...... you have some time to go, so enjoy the show....
I have done a lot of research and general reading on this and the rollitup forum, but I've not read any books specific to cannabis cultivation. Is the flowering time between autos and photos fairly consistent? I chose autos for the shorter stature and quicker growing cycle, is the faster time mostly from the shorter veg cycle? Do you not really gain an advantage in the flowering cycle? I apologize if this is a ridiculous question, Im trying to understand about the plant itself as well as how best to grow it.
I have done a lot of research and general reading on this and the rollitup forum, but I've not read any books specific to cannabis cultivation. Is the flowering time between autos and photos fairly consistent? I chose autos for the shorter stature and quicker growing cycle, is the faster time mostly from the shorter veg cycle? Do you not really gain an advantage in the flowering cycle? I apologize if this is a ridiculous question, Im trying to understand about the plant itself as well as how best to grow it.

on a very loose average with autoz, ya figger 1m to veg, 2m to flower & boom, done deal :shooty: ppp