New Grower First grow couple of questions

Jun 8, 2014
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hi guys im just about to start my first grow i have everything setup after alot of research i just have a couple of questions about my grow

first what is the best way to germinate an autoflower seed or should it just be put straight in to soil

second i'm using biobizz light mix when i put the soil in the pots does it need any prep before planting the seeds i have read some people said to soak it in water and leave it for 24hrs before adding the seeds

third im planning on using bio-grow bio-bloom and topmax i was just wondering how long do i leave the grow before i start adding nutes as i have read that the soil can grow the seed on its own for several weeks

forth can anyone give me any tips on how often i should give them nutes and how much to give them

thanks alot in advance guys with out forums like this people like me would struggle to get into this hobby
There are a lot of good threads here to answer all you questions, but I can sum up the answer your questions. germ a auto seed like you would any other canna seeds, paper towel or shot glass method

2 you can prep the soil 24hours before or when you plant either way has worked for me, just make sure u have time to bubble you water for at least 12 hours before.

3.nutes: some people start as soon as week 2, I like to let my plants grow as much as possible on their own with out nutes which is usually bt the end of week 3.
How much: start off with 1/4 reccomended dosage and each feed work your way up. Alot of strains can thrive on only half doses so be sure not to go over board.

4. You feed them once the pot has dried out. Tip is to stick you finger in to just under the knockle and if dry you water. In the first 4 weeks It could be once a week after it could get to 2-3 times depending on pot size.

Nice to have u hear if u don't mind pop over to the intro section say hello to the other members. If u need help we have a 24/7 live help thread. Good luck!
thanks a bunch idontsmoke

just a couple of things

by bubble the water do you mean just let it sit open so the chems in it can evaporate

and by feeding i meant more with nutes i understand how to tell if the plant needs water but i have read you dont use nutes every feed and im just confused as to how you tell if they need nutes or not wouldnt want to over feed and burn the plants
Bubbling the water means you use a small air pump with a bubbling stone and put it in the water and this adds oxygen and also mixes the nutes.When adding nutes there is no set way to use them.It's always better to go light doses and feed at every watering,or go full strength and only feed every second or third watering.I myself like to feed every watering but use a 1/2 or 1/4 strength feed of the maufacturers recommended dose.