New Grower First grow (budget)- Blueberry/Great white shark

Samantha O'Dell

Feb 5, 2019
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Hey everyone, so i am 3 weeks into my first grow (21 days) from germination. I am a brand new grower, and am growing on a budget. I am not much of a smoker myself (2 puff virgin lung type haha) but i am mainly growing for my wife who medicates several times a day.
I am growing in the small space under my basement stairs. I have 2 led 75watt full spectrum grow bulbs. One for each plant, situated about 5 to 6" above each plant. I am using a 20/4 light schedule, and my feeding/ watering consist of ph'd between 6.3 and 6.8 well water, that ppms at 35 straight out of the tap. I add in cal mag and i am using 1/4 strength vegbloom nutes.
I am growing in soil (natures choice by miracle grow, organic and seemed to be full of all the right things ive read about, worm castings, bone meal etc) 25% perlite 7 gallon fabric pots.
I have been lurking around here doing lots of reading and watching others grow journals, and watching lots of grow journals on youtube to obtain basic knowledge, and compare my progress to what seems to be the typical for each day/week.
I have already begun lst, and so far have trained my plants twice, and both have responded well. I am growing one blueberry, and one Great white shark. Both plants are very different from one another, although i think they are growing at about the same rate. My blueberry plant is a much lighter color green than the shark, and shark seems a little more stout/squat and blueberry has a little more space between each node. Shark started showing sex with her pistols popping up in the middle of week 2, and blueberry has just started popping her first white hairs. And Blueberry wow... does she stink already.
Now, there has been some bumps along the way. Rookie errors for sure. Poor shark... twice she has had the light dropped on her... twice. It was bad enough the first time as i was tinkering with my initial set up, but again when i was situating the room for the final stages. Youll see in my pics what i mean. Last drop... poor girl had one of her biggest fan leaves tore from the stem. One leaf(one of the first 2 leaves to grow) got snapped and she was overall looking a little squished. I took a pipe cleaner and put her back together as much as i could, and the little leaf as the bottom, well i pinched that one off. Needless to say... she bounced right back and is thriving and looking good as ever!
Blueberry got away with no physical abuse, but she has been the one to keep me on my toes when it comes to possible definciencys/ leave discoloration. Back between week one and 2 she showed a little bit of brown spoting showing up on her two first growth leaves. I had lst the night before and i wasnt sure of those particular leaves had come in contact with the soil. Needless to say. Those spots stayed put and havent looked any different since that day. And nothing like that popped up anywhere else on the plant. But the other thing... i noticed 3 days ago that there was almost a lime green stripe on one 9f blueberrys new fan leaves. But on one side and just one the very outer edge in the middle of the leaf. so not at root or stem. I watched it... and it just went away. Possible nitrogen deficiency? Doctored up by some nutes?
Well today... i get alot of sun radiating through my patio door during the day, so i decided to bring the girls up and give them a little bath in that pure vitamin D. This is when i went ahead and did my second round of lst.
When the sun moved the the exposure was done i brought the girls back down stairs. Blueberry was looking a bit droopy... partly i think i just thought that because of her new look after lst. I gave them some food and water. Nothing different than usual... phd at 6.5 ppm at 425 ish. Runoff ph at 6.8
When i checked on them a little bit ago blueberry was showing that little stripe of bright green again but in a different spot. Also one of her newer fan leaves seemed to have just a little brindle of light and dark all through it.
Sometimes i think i am just over analyzing... a noob just wanting to have a successful grow.. (happy wife happy life haha)
Ill post some pictures now of the girls today and that bright green i was talking about. Ill also post a pic of my initial set up and my now setup. Dont laugh guys. It is what it is lol.
Hard to take good pics with those leds... let me know what you guys think. Thanks for reading


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:welcome: Hi @Samantha O'Dell and welcome to AFN! :welcome:

Don't sweat your set-up, many of us started out on the low budget side. My first grow was with those curly CFLs! :crying:
Loving the journal ... great detail :slap: and good luck with your first grow! :greenthumb:
:welcome: Looking good! You can do a lot on a budget I got almost two ounces dry off an auto in 2 gal of soil with cfl, if you look into upgrading pay attention to true watts there are 1000 watt led panels that are only like 150 real watts go for autocob if you want to upgrade.
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I have been reading alot about the cobbs. I may do one more grow before starting my four plants outdoors. Hopefully my setup will be a little more improved when its time to grow the girls indoors again.

Girls are sunbathing today :cools:


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hi and :welcome: @Samantha O'Dell :pass: first grow is just about getting a few buds :thumbsup: looking happy n healthy so far :smokeit:
been lurking for some time or first day here ? :CSR: im archie gemmill :footy:your butlins blue coat hi de high site rep :paleo:a few things well worth a read.

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regardless if you read them or not,you have agreed to abide by them,so best cast your eye over takes 2 mins,in short no religion politics and dont be a knob :shooty:

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why not do an intro,tell us something about yourself your grow or your ferret :shrug:
Live Stoner Gossip bit lost or stuck,got a question ? a cuppa tea getting cold and a rocket to burn ?:coffee::smokeout:
some Guides and Tutorials:laptop:
start a journal in the new growers section :watering:

follow along with Ash-A-Ton from seed to jar thread :smokeit:

have a good look around,click on some signature links.

anything else just ask away or @ me
good luck n keep er lit
Day 23
I have been bringing the girls upstairs during the day to let them sunbath. They seem to be florishing. Alot of new growth, and it is moving quick.
Going to give the girls as much sun as i can this week, they will be in the grow space all next week as i am going on vaccay in sunny cuba.
This is my first grow... and ive never really been around any plants being grown. I feel like my leaves are just a little papery feeling. Is that normal?
Also i have been just winging it for my nutrients. I cut out my root booster, and water every 2 to 3 days1 litre to 1 1/2 litre with 1 ml calmag and 1/4 teaspoon of veg/bloom.the recommendations to is 3 to 6 grams of vegbloom to 1 gallon of water, and i dont have a scale so i have been just been reducing it down to the 1/4 teaspoon because its only 1 litre and i only want to use 1/4 of the nutes.
When should i up the feeding?
Our local store here swears by the veg/bloom nutrients by hydroponic research. Its a one part feeding the entire way through apparently. Anyone ever use it?
Anyhoo... i am getting ready to bring the girls up into the sun. Just a few little snaps to show all the new growth...


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Looking good! Are you watering till you get a little run off? You can up nutes to half dose after the quarter dose goes well and as long as you have no nute burn on leaf tips I water with fert every other water. Your not spraying the leaves or watering the leaves are you?
Looking good! Are you watering till you get a little run off? You can up nutes to half dose after the quarter dose goes well and as long as you have no nute burn on leaf tips I water with fert every other water. Your not spraying the leaves or watering the leaves are you?

Yep. I water till about 10% run off and always check the runoff ph. And i have not watered or sprayed leaves. Should i? I may have dripped a little here and there but never directly.