I think I was giving them a top concentrated feed but its just mixed with water and I'm using that to feed them once every 24 hours or so, once soil gets dry
A wise tip about nutes. A good rule of thumb regarding nute introducing "less is more"...
Even at day 21 she's still getting use to you introducing the nutes to her water feed. So to regular nute feeds and she will begin struggling as her roots will not have even reached the bottom of the pot she's in whole your making her fight to digest nutes she's never had before.
Most plants roots don't begin to hot the bottom of the pot until week 3.
This is the water schedule I stick to when growing autos and it's never failed me in any grows to date.. It's also good for young autos as it helps them adjust an accept the addition to her regular water only feedings.
A 4 week feeding cycle (introducing nutes) starting Week 3(day21)
1st feed: water only.
2nd feed: water.
3rd feed: water grow nute dose mix
4th feeding: water
By now she will had had a nute feedings AND 2 water feeding a between nute feed, to give her time to accept digest and get the first nute feed into an threw her system before her next nute feed.
Observe her leafs colour an how happy they look by this time. She will show if she's happly handling the feeds and repeat this if she's still looking sluggish until she appears to be more perky.
When she's older she will have grown up an have fully settled into her pot, and be capably of digesting more nutes compared to her tolerance at only a few weeks old.
And then you can adjust the feeding schedule to this
1st feed: water grow nute dose mix
2nd feed: water
3rd feed: water grow nute dose mix
4th feeding: water
I hope this is easy understand asNot everything I post makes sense to everyone else, so let me know if you understand this.