First grow, 2 autos in soil @2 weeks - one plant hates me and the other ain't that mad


New and improving
Nov 29, 2019
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Apologies for the pics under artificial light. There's no sun today.

Two plants, both autos, about two weeks in. They're growing in Nectar #4 amended soil pH'd at 6.4. both planted directly in their final pots at the same time, 5 gallon cloth. The bigger one is only three days ahead from sprouting.

The smaller one has always been a runt, with less color to it. At day 12 it's really stalled out. The larger one is at day 15 and wider than a lighter, still not where I want it to be. It seems to have slowed a bit but it's not a crisis.

Environmental details:

- they've been run 24/7 under a Hydrofarm florescent seedling and veg grow light. I switched them to an HID MH bulb setup yesterday with the ballast dimmed to 150 and am tapering down to 20/4. These plants are out in the open and also get sunlight from a southwest window.

- temps have been normal, usually in the mid seventies to mid eighties.

- Rh is low. It hasn't gotten above 30. Yesterday, after switching lights, Rh ranged from 23 to 17. Diy solutions like wet towels and putting saucers of water on the radiator haven't been able to lift it since plants are in a large open room. I'm going out to buy a humidifier today.

- pH'd water from the city tap. I let it sit for about a day to let chlorine dissipate but didn't do this the first half week. Plants didn't seem to mind.

-no nutes at all

I've clearly screwed up in some way. That little runt isn't standing a chance right now. Poor thing.

So here are my theories.

1. Rh, one plant is just more tolerant.
2. Soil was too hot for seedlings and/or the tiny one hit a hot spot in the soil. Not sure how I can fix that now.
3. An x factor with my water or the stew pot I let water sit in to allow chlorine evaporation. Yesterday I noticed buildup in the water pot, pic attached. I dumped the water and switched my bucket to an industrial five gallon hard plastic.

What happened here and how fixable is it?


Your pics aren't coming thru. Can you upload again.
Your pics aren't coming thru. Can you upload again.
Weird. They're embedded in the post and showing up for me. I'll attach a different way.


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The smaller one is, well, a lot smaller.
I think your RH is to low for seedlings. 50% and higher, and what are your temps? I'm no expert but raise your RH.
Yeah, that's in progress. I've been trying what I could without outright purchasing a humidifier but nothing worked so today was D-Day.

Temps are as per the post, but generally about 79 degrees daytime. They were hotter during germination.
They're not seedlings anymore - they're two weeks old. The tiny one just resembles one.