New Grower First feeding help

May 15, 2016
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my 1st grow...2 auto's..starting 3rd week from sprout tmr. Watered thoroughly just once since sprout..8 days ago. Will be watering today and got a fertilizer at the local store. The fancy ones available in the and ff, are not available here. Will be using at quarter strength or slightly less with my watering. Any objections to this? This one is water other option was miracle gro liquid concentrate..12-4-2 I believe, with the same exact micro's except this one I got has boron, copper and sulphur as well. The miracle gro only had iron, zinc, and manganese.


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I just tried to look up the info and what i got was some out dated info from other grow forums. It seems some growers have used it and the one thing is that they have high nitrogen in them would say that a quarter strength sounds good but hopefully someone can give some more concrete advice. I am sure someone here knows because out of curiosity I would like to know also. I would think adding some natural nutrients into the soil may be better but this is an interesting question.
Hi @comet79 ,the NPK numbers look good for a "grow/veg"nute,in bloom the numbers should look reversed with lower nitrogen levels,the more micro nutes the better but they aren't called micro nutes for nothing ,the plant can only use so much before it could cause a buildup-lockout situation..these are just my thought tho,,which ever you choose start low and work up from there...btw stop by the Introduction page,introduce yourself,and tell us more about your experience,your seeds and your other equipment,lots of cool people will be ready to "tag along" once you create a journal...peace
Don't use miracle grow I know that much. Welcome to AFN! I'll be following your grow :-)
I created a journal a few days ago:)
Okay my bad,here's a :slap: for that,when you get more familiar with the site,you can add a link in your signature area to help people use a shortcut strait in to your journal ,you should still post in the intro thread tho ,and hit some of the other threads to say hi to those guys as well,many people kinda stay in certain forums just due to their grow style ,but dropping in to say hello could generate more interest to your thread...Peace
Don't use miracle grow I know that much. Welcome to AFN! I'll be following your grow :)
I have used MG in the past,had some mighty fine buds for my first photo grow..any reason you are against it ??
Hehe I'm just ribbin you @StarBright ,it's not that bad of a fert if it's all ya got, absolutely stay away from anything that says slow or timed release tho !! With most non organic nutrients,the issue is salt buildup,and that can somewhat be controlled by watering the plant till plenty of runoff...peace
I know to steer clear of time released soil/ferts. I read many bad things about MG but seems most have no personal experience with it..just repeating things they heard but haven't tried.:) Im using pro-mix as my soil..but for a fert was gonna try MG as its all that they had at the store. Went with something very similar..just gave them both 1.5L watering with their first feeding.
Also thx for the suggestion, i'll see if I can link my journal as my signature:)